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Grateful For All The Kind Words

“Cynthia has been my leadership coach for 18 months. She has supported me in my leadership style, working with staff, initiating better self care and accountability. I have found her to be insightful, authentic and honest in her work with me.”

Deidre Johnson, Executive Director
The Center for African American Health

“You have been a powerful force for change in my life. You see the real me and challenge me to also see that in myself, too. But you do it with a deep and abiding love so that I feel safe and am able to trust as you lead me to those scary places within myself. I love you for loving me!”

Stephanie Williams

“You radiate all the good things, and remind others they are accessible and surrounding all of us.”

Amy Figler Goings

“Your talk entitled “Ordinary is Extraordinary”, moved not only me, but the entire room. In the hour that I listened to you tell your story along with the stories of other amazing human beings I was inspired to refocus my own perspective on the world and the opportunities that exist within the core of every challenge.”

Jena J. Hausmann, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
The Children’s Hospital

“I miss your incredible messages at Mile Hi. I always knew I would leave there floating in a way. Spiritually lifted and also challenged to look hard at my life!! The classes you taught and I was fortunate enough to take leading up to Practitioner training were unbelievably powerful. The lessons learned stay with me now.. You are an incredible teacher, Cynthia 💕 “

Karen Matthews

“At Women’sVision, we believe that organizations are more successful when women and men share their leadership and power. I believe your work has helped many of our members to consider new ways in which they may align their career and their life to evoke their finest masterpiece. Thank you for supporting our mission with your insightful approach and message.”

Cathy Hawk
Clarity International

“Cynthia James was a dynamic, magnetic, and loving speaker. The participants were so moved, they wanted her back right away! She helps women to see their beauty and perfection no matter what externals are going on!”

Sarah McLean, Director
Sedona Meditation Training & Retreats

“Your talk entitled “Ordinary is Extraordinary”, moved not only me, but the entire room. In the hour that I listened to you tell your story along with the stories of other amazing human beings I was inspired to refocus my own perspective on the world and the opportunities that exist within the core of every challenge.”

Jena J. Hausmann, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
The Children’s Hospital

“Inspiration. A reminder to take care of myself. A reminder to delve into the uncomfortable areas where real growth can happen.”

Thomas Bagwell

“You hold higher possibilities for what life and the world can be. Uncompromising belief in the highest and best for all people around the planet.”

Kelly Grace O’Connor

“Cynthia James message is here to inspire the soul. She will help you discover life changing truths and guide you with loving care. Believe and you will receive.”

Gary Quinn
Bestselling author, Living in the Spiritual Zone and Life Coach

“You stand in and speak the truth in a loving and compassionate way, and you always see the highest potential and possibilities, both in people and in situations.”

Jean Hendry

“Ditto on what the others two have written… but most of all, you ENCOURAGE and INSPIRE us to live fuller, bigger lives filled with more understanding, joy and love of who we are. So much appreciation, respect and gratitude for having you in my life.❤️ “

Cindy Chadwick

“Ms. James has been volunteering by providing “Healing from Trauma and Abuse’ groups to the females inmates housed in the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Detention Facility. The four week program was designed to give females tools and skills to help them deal with past trauma and abuse. As of June 2010, approximately 35 women have graduated from the program. The request to attend these voluntary classes has been overwhelming at times. Feedback from inmates attending classes has been very positive and we view the information presented as not only necessary from a health/educational point of view, but of valuable assistance in behavioral management of a large population. I strongly support her and commend her for doing a great job”.

Deborah Aludo, Counseling Unit Supervisor
Jefferson County Sheriff Department

“I have had the privilege to teach three evenings with Cynthia James as part of the class “Science and Spirituality” that I offer at the Colorado School of Mines. It was amazing to see how in her usual warm and natural way she broke through shells and connected with these young people at a deep and meaningful level. These were evenings in which she opened minds and hearts, and empowered students to look into their greater Self and empower that greater Self. This probably was the first time these students attended a class at the Colorado School of Mines where the teacher opened by singing to them, and they truly appreciated this. It was a genuine pleasure to prepare these evenings with Cynthia, which involved a free-flowing exchange of ideas to make these evenings a special experience. Thank you, Cynthia, for bringing your beneficial presence to higher education.”

Roel Snieder, W.M. Keck Distinguished Professor of Basic Exploration Science
Colorado School of Mines

“You masterfully ride the fine line between holding my feet to the fire and compassionate patience.”

Carie King

“I was working with my long-term Practitioner in developing a teaching guide for a book she wrote. At one point on a particular topic I said it would be good to break down parts of it to be more bite-sized for some students. She said, “Kathryn, do you believe your students are made of God?” I said, “Of Course”.
She said, “Kathryn, do you need to boil down anything for God? If you speak to your student’s lowest needs, you are cheating them and disrespecting them. If you speak to the God in them, you both are always enriched.”
Cynthia – wherever you are, whether singing, speaking, praying, laughing…. – You always speak at the highest realm. Again, my Practitioner said, “If you love them, you will stand in their wrath and disappointment – and Stay in Principle anyway.”
Keep up the marvelous work, my friend – and stay open for God to continue speaking to the God Essence that is you. Your growth – grows others. ❤️. “

Kathryn McDowell

“Time with you always makes me feel deeply seen and known and loved. You’re intuitive and insightful in ways that are clearly gifted to you from a higher power. Receiving it feels healing in a way that is almost magical. You invite me to choose expansion into my highest and best, releasing me from old beliefs that hold me back. ❤️ “

Janine Valentine

“Cynthia James recently worked with my partners and me in establishing an optimal way of working together in a new business venture. Her approach was thorough, compassionate, insightful and effective in supporting each team member. Most importantly, Cynthia was able to tell the truth and help our team see the truth of what was holding us back from experiencing the most success and satisfaction in our work together”.

GG Johnston, President
Downstream Partners, LLC

“Your voice echos in my mind.. Your wisdom touches my heart.”

Carrie Craig-gilby

“You challenge folks by asking deeper questions and not allowing them/me to settle for the status quo. You also cut to the chase enabling more opportunity for bigger breakthroughs.
You don’t allow folks to lie to themselves.
You hold space for them to take a bigger leap. You seek/tell the truth.”

Susanne E Walker

“We appreciate your time, expertise, and enthusiastic message of hope, joy, and the power of service. Many thanks for making the inaugural United We Serve Award Ceremony so memorable for the award recipients and audience members. Your passion for the topic was apparent and it touched our hearts and minds, motivating us to look for ways to serve.”

Gay Page, Executive Director
Colorado Federal Executive Board

“Cynthia James is a gifted speaker and teacher who has the ability to transform an audience with her passion, commitment and grace. She delivers heart opening, life-changing wisdom.”

Arielle Ford
Author & Speaker

“Cynthia, you radiate your deep passion and loving light wherever you go! Your love, humor, joyfulness, compassion for others and kindness are contagious and so appreciated. Keep doing what you’re doing! I love you! 💖❌⭕️💖”

Lisa Ann Martin

“In your very own, unique, face to face, intensely focused, loving, “youcannothidefromyourselforme” modus operandi, you have brought me instantly to the present moment of my Truth. THAT is just ONE of your gifts. And I thank you and love you for that, and so much more, Cynthia James. ❤️ You are a gift.”

Erica Teel

“I like hearing you deliver a spiritual message and punctuate it with song. You are a very talented speaker and entertainer. You always make me think and feel.”

Cherylene Cole Evans

“I now listen to my heart.”

Dede Erickson

“A hot topic right now for me is “loving yourself”. That’s a big job and you hear it all the time. What are the steps in loving yourself? I’m on that journey right now.”

S Kelly Glenn

“At Women’sVision, we believe that organizations are more successful when women and men share their leadership and power. I believe your work has helped many of our members to consider new ways in which they may align their career and their life to evoke their finest masterpiece. Thank you for supporting our mission with your insightful approach and message.”

Joanna M. Murray, President
Women’s Vision Foundation

“I think one of your biggest gifts is that you create safe space (physical, emotional, spiritual) and draw people into that and it allows them to realize a more expansive version of themselves. You do that through your words, your music, your vulnerability. You hold that space Powerfully until they become accountable for who they are.”

Annette Nelson

“You cut through all of my filters and shot me into a bright white light.”

Chuck Allen

“What I appreciate about you is how grounded you are in possibility while still being able to access your past – I find this allows me to relate to you on a more even playing field. I see before me someone who has been where I have been, can meet me in that place and has achieved the very thing I am trying to achieve and is clearly living life to the fullest. I love (most of the time) your unwavering focus on what I am holding on to or still doing (whether I am fully aware of it or not) and the knowing that ‘I am better than that’ – but not in a judgmental way, more in a champion and knowing what I am capable of way. I love the awareness you hold about women and our place in the world and how for generations, we have been held back by others as well as ourselves and that now is the time for the self-imposed bondage to be dissolved and now is the time for us to stand together, supporting each other, into our greatness. And I love the energy of how you hold your cultural background as powerful, sacred and beautiful with a complete absence of ‘better than’.

Thank you for walking your talk, modeling for me and so many other women what it looks like to do your work, stand in your power and make a f**king difference!

I love you!”

Melinda Jacobs

“You hold the reflective mirror with compassion and love. I thank you.”

Ogla Silva

“Everyone thoroughly enjoyed listening to your inspirational message and your beautiful voice. You were truly inspiring…”

Faye Foley
American Bar Association

“Your ability to see people, the truth of who they are, and safely guiding them to see themselves and their potential for healing and growth.”

Marcella Nordbeck-Richardson

“Cynthia James is one of the most powerful, authentic and inspiring speakers I know. She engages her audience with passion, brilliance, and the rare capacity to be real and present. She is one of the very best!”

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
New York Times Bestselling Author

“The Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council wishes to thank Cynthia James, for her outstanding performance as a keynote featured speaker, at our 2011 CBHC Annual Training Conference. Cynthia’s keynote on Integrative Technologies: Mind & Body Health at Work, and her singing performance elevated our attendee experience. We would highly recommend her as a speaker and performance artist, and our attendees felt she was a great addition to our annual conference.”

The Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council

“It’s been awhile since I’ve had a workshop with you And the authenticity and energy you share stays with me always. You mirror to us our inner strength and power. Thank you for your Light, your Work, and your Love 🕉💜 “

Kimberly Petto Brown

“I truly enjoy your talks about staying the course and being focused when it’s both easy and hard. When the outside world is both great and not-so-great, to keep focused on the highest vibration. What that looks like for an individual, what it feels like. Aspirations and goals and how to “maintain” in the knowing. I look forward to hearing you speak and feel your strength as another point of guidance. :) Hugs and here’s to 2020!”

Melanie Rittler


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Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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