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All We Need Is Love

by Personal Growth

All We Need is LoveI believe that the answer to every question is … LOVE. It is clear to me that love can open any heart, create connection and build amazing relationships. Love can heal wounds and support expansion. Love can ignite passion and lift the spirit. As I contemplated writing this, some questions came to me, and the answer to each one of them was, simply, love.

How do I discover my purpose?

LOVE what you do, and do what you love. Commit to living a life that is filled with the love of sharing your gifts and talents, a life that is joyous because you are shining your light in amazing ways. By enjoying what you do, your energy becomes contagious, and people will be drawn to you in unexpected ways.

How can I feel more alive?

LOVE yourself so much that you put yourself first. Commit to radical self-care, and do not let anyone or anything deter you. Love yourself so much that you dare to eat well, rest, work out, say no to unsupportive requests and calendar in things that bring you joy.

How can I get through this challenging time?

LOVE what is happening right now. Look at this experience from another perspective. Resist nothing. Call in resources, and give thanks for the opportunity you’ve been given to grow and shift through this experience.

How do I release fear?

LOVE yourself enough to reach out for assistance. There are people and places that are waiting to support you in powerful ways. You do not have to handle things alone. Trust that love is available, and take one small step. Reach out and know that the universe is prepared to guide you to a place of peace.

We all respond to love. There is a deep desire within each of us to love and to be loved. Before you make a decision ask, “What would love do? How would love respond?” If you are doing anything that does not bring forward a deep sense of love … PAUSE! Take a few moments to reflect. Choose to love yourself and others. It will make a huge difference in the way that you move on this planet.

Take a moment to remember this:

Today, I remember that the answer is LOVE! I honor myself and expect to have a joyous and love-filled life.

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