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Always Time for Love

by Personal Growth

Cynthia James Blog - LoveWe are in the month of LOVE! And really, it is always the time for love. Let us tap into the energy and awareness that is happening right now. Some of this love is over-the-top passion, intimate and physical. Some of this love feels like lack, mistrust, yearning or pain. Some love is friendship, family and for our beloved animals. I want you to know that no matter where you are; Love is always available to you. It begins from within – it begins with yourself and you were born in the image and likeness of love.

Here are some contemplations and ways to express love in its highest order:

Love of Self: Love is healing and transformative. Love is nurturing and comforting. Love is an energy that opens the heart and supports deepening in relationships. Begin with treating and nurturing your love relationship with yourself. Calendar a date with yourself. Go to a museum, go for a hike or enjoy spa time, spend time with animals or choose another activity that nourishes your soul.

Lavish Loving: Give great amounts of love, appreciation and acknowledgement to everyone that you encounter. Treat each person as if they are precious and deserving of your full attention.

The Energy of Love: The energy of love is powerful and transcendent. It can break down the walls of resentment and disappointment and move people to places of acceptance and healing. The energy of love can alter the ways in which people move through the most challenging of times. Love can shift any relationship because it can be felt in the heart beyond any words that can be said.

Infusing Love into Life: When we infuse love into every aspect of our life, we begin to experience responses that are amazing. You can be so passionate that you place love into all your interactions with others. Then, just sit back and witness the reactions.

Affirm with me: I am the Valentine of the Eternal Spirit, always seen through the eyes of love.

photo credit: Personal Kaleidoscope via photopin cc

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