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Are You A Courageous Adventurer?

by Feb 10, 2023Discovering Your Purpose, Inspiration, Intention, Personal Growth

Are You A Courageous Adventurer?

I was at a dinner a few weeks ago with friends. Everyone at the table was sharing about how they had always been seekers.  It really caught my attention because every single one of us talked about how different we felt as children. We all had adventurous spirits and that didn’t always go well in our family structures. In fact, the feeling of being an outsider seemed to prevail and our desires to expand were often discouraged.

That conversation stayed with me, and I really began to reflect on how many of my friends and clients share about the deep desires to explore that they have carried their entire lives.  The curiosity that lived in us led us to be world travelers, seekers of religious understanding, self-development junkies and cultural researchers.

That need to know, see, feel, and understand has personally led me into many life choices that stretched me, grew me, knocked me down, lifted me up and healed limited beliefs and behaviors.  I call that part of me a “courageous adventurer” and I want to share some of the gifts I have been given because I wanted/needed to know and be more.

Being A Risk Taker

Being A Risk TakerFear is a very interesting energy.  It can stop people from moving in the direction of their dreams.  It can also cause organizations to stagnate and relationships to deconstruct.  For me, the biggest challenge with fear is that it stops people for daring to risk or step into the unknown.  It becomes a barrier to living a thriving life.

In my latest book, Does My Voice Matter? I shared about my  wanting to be a high school cheerleader more than anything.  When auditions came around, I worked hard to be selected. I got on the A squad, and I felt so powerful and successful. The team had to rehearse to get ready for the season during the summer.  We were told that we could only miss three sessions or be replaced.  This is where it got interesting for me.  I watched myself sabotage that opportunity. I missed three sessions and was replaced.  There was no reason except I was afraid. In retrospect, my insecurities and not believing I was enough allowed the fear of success to destroy a dream being fulfilled.

The interesting thing about this experience is that going after that position was a big deal.  It was one of my first attempts at being visible and daring to be brave.  There was a part of me that wanted to step out into the world and soar.  After that experience, I made a vow to myself to never let fear stop be again.  

So, what is wanting to be revealed through you and where are you afraid to go for it?  Those inner urges, visions and dreams that are living in you want to be explored.  Your allowing fear to keep you from moving forward supports no one.  

This could be the perfect moment for you to look your fear in the face, bless it and take action.  There is nothing to lose. If you succeed, something powerful will unfold.  If you don’t, you will learn a lesson that will support your expansion in the world.

Being courageous doesn’t mean you are unafraid.  It just means that you are willing to move despite the fears, doubts, or uncertainty.  The universe has you.  You can count on that whatever you do.

Get Curious

Kids have a natural curiosity.  Then, somehow as we age it starts to diminish.  We are watching so many people, organizations and countries living in divided circumstances.  This is curious to me because I travel the world, I see amazing people with loving hearts. Yes, we come from different cultures, backgrounds, and religions. But, my experience is that most people respond to kindness and caring.

I have always wanted to travel and meet new people.  One of my first jobs, I was an airline hostess and traveled around the world.  I would strike up conversations with strangers from many walks of life, take myself on solo trips to museums, churches, temples and mosques.  

There were times I wondered if I was making a mistake because I would end up in “interesting” situations.  Somehow, the universe supported me, and I learned valuable lessons. Plus, I became aware of how uneducated I was in many arenas.  It made me want to learn more and experience more.

Curiosity is powerful.  It helps us learn and grow. It stops us from becoming obsolete or outmoded in our thinking and improves our self-awareness. It supports in stepping out of a mindset that thrives on certainty and leaves no room for new perspectives.  When we are curious our minds are active. We ask question and search for answers. 

Traits of a Courageous Adventurer

  1. They believe the unimaginable is possible
  2. They are willing to seek until they find answers
  3. They are excited to learn new things
  4. They are curious about other people and cultures
  5. They ask for help fearlessly
  6. They are willing to be authentic and vulnerable
  7. They practice forgiveness with self and other
  8. They lead with kindness no matter where they are

You are CourageousThis is an invitation to call forth the courageous adventurer that lives within in.  Dare to step out and meet new people, travel to new places and take in new cultures, listen to your inner knowing and trust the guidance, and spend more time in the field of possibilities than in the cages of negative expectations.

The world is a wondrous place filled with exciting and new ways of being.  How about we all open to living in a world where love and kindness are the norm.

If I can support you, please reach out to me.  My great passion is supporting people to live in joy and freedom. Learn more here.

Much love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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