Are You Ready To Receive?

So many of my clients, family and friends talk about their dreams and desires.  They also describe how challenging it is to not receive what they have so strongly visioned. I had that experience myself until I received a powerful revelation.  Many years ago, I was involved creating my life as an actress.  I took classes, had a great agent, and fabulous headshots.  I prepared for every audition with care and didn’t book most of them.  I couldn’t figure out why my prayers, journaling, self-help reading, and therapy was not manifesting my results.

I was working with teens, my spiritual community, Agape, and someone shared a new perspective for the youth to embody regarding prayer. The simple phrase, “Are You Ready To Receive?” was what was shared.  A light bulb went off in my mind that became a game changer.  I began to book most of my auditions and become a full-time actress. The insights and tools I used will be the topic of this month’s sharing.

Receiving is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and growth.Receiving is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and growth. It allows individuals to accept and embrace support, care, and resources from others, which is crucial for emotional and physical well-being. By being open to receiving, people can build deeper, more meaningful connections, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect. It also enables individuals to learn and grow, as receiving feedback and knowledge from others enhances personal development and broadens perspectives. In addition, receiving is an integral part of the balance between giving and taking, ensuring that relationships and social systems remain equitable and sustainable. Ultimately, the ability to receive with grace and gratitude enriches one’s life, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious existence.

Here is the acronym for Are You Ready To Receive?

Absolute infinite energy is always present.

You are a manifestation of that universal energy.

Recognize that the universe is completely for you.

Thanksgiving and gratitude are healing salves.

Release the fears, doubts and core beliefs that hold you hostage to experience freedom.

Why Don’t We Manifest Our Dreams?

I was with a wonderful group in Cuba a few years ago. One of the participants was the amazing Jim Selman an American consultant, coach, and author.  We were sitting at lunch, and he was sharing an incredible break-through that he had experienced as a seeker.  He shared how getting to a core belief had transformed his way of his perceptions and choices.  He then started to ask me questions. (Note: A brilliant coach inquires without making one feel vulnerable).  It felt easy and comfortable to respond. The more questions he asked the deeper I went. Now, I was aware I was in a restaurant with many people but in that moment, it was just the two of us connecting in the heart.  Finally, I dropped into a place where I spoke “I don’t feel safe, and I am not enough.”  Tears streamed down my face, and he said “Once you clear that core belief you will soar. The question becomes, how much are you willing to receive?”  From that day forward, I open every journal page with that question to open the portals of possibilities.

Why Don’t We Manifest Our Dreams?There are several reasons why people might not receive what they desire.  Here are a few:

  • Firstly, limiting beliefs can play a significant role. If individuals hold deep-seated beliefs that they are not worthy or deserving of what they desire, these beliefs can subconsciously sabotage their efforts to receive.
  • Secondly, fear of change or the unknown can prevent people from receiving. Even if the change is positive, the uncertainty that accompanies new experiences or outcomes can be intimidating, causing people to resist or reject potential opportunities.
  • Thirdly, lack of clarity about what they truly want can hinder their ability to receive it. When desires are vague or constantly shifting, it becomes challenging to focus efforts and actions towards achieving a specific goal.
  • Fourthly, impatience can lead to frustration and giving up too soon. Desires often take time to manifest, and a lack of patience can result in abandoning efforts prematurely.
  • Fifthly, not taking action is a common reason. Simply wishing for something without putting in the necessary work or steps to achieve it can lead to unmet desires.
  • Lastly, external factors such as societal pressures, economic conditions, or other people’s influences can also impact the ability to receive what is desired. These external forces can create obstacles or distractions that divert focus and resources away from pursuing and achieving one’s desires.

Getting Ready To Receive!

Getting Ready To Receive!

Preparing to receive involves both practical and mental steps that open you up to accepting and embracing life and what others offer. Here are five things you can do to get ready to receive:

  1. Cultivate an Open Mindset: Develop a mindset that is open to new opportunities, help, and feedback. This involves letting go of self-reliance and acknowledging that receiving is a sign of strength, not weakness. We all need support.
  2. Practice Gratitude: Regularly practice gratitude to appreciate what you already have and to be ready to accept more. This can create a positive mindset that attracts and welcomes new gifts, opportunities, and support.
  3. Clear Physical and Mental Space: Declutter your living space and mind to make room for new things and experiences. This can involve organizing your home, letting go of unnecessary items, and practicing mindfulness to clear mental clutter.
  4. Set Intentions: Clearly define what you want to receive, whether it’s emotional support, opportunities, or material items. Setting intentions helps you focus your energy and actions toward attracting what you desire.
  5. Improve Self-Worth: Work on building your self-esteem and self-worth. Believe that you deserve good things and that you are worthy of receiving -care self-care practices and seeking therapy or support groups if needed.

Tools To Support Receiving

Tools To Support ReceivingAffirmations can be a powerful tool to help shift your mindset towards being more open to receiving. Here are some affirmations focused on receiving:

  1. “I am open and ready to receive all the good things life has to offer.”
  2. “I deserve to receive love, abundance, and happiness.”
  3. “I welcome new opportunities and experiences into my life.”
  4. “I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life effortlessly.”
  5. “I trust that the universe provides me with everything I need.”
  6. “I am worthy of receiving kindness, support, and generosity from others.”
  7. “I receive gifts and blessings with gratitude and joy.”
  8. “I am open to receiving guidance and wisdom from the world around me.”
  9. “I allow myself to receive help when I need it, knowing it strengthens me.”
  10. “I am open to receiving success and prosperity in all areas of my life.”

Repeating these affirmations regularly can help cultivate a receptive mindset, making it easier to attract and accept the positive things you desire.

I leave you with these thoughts…. the universe is ever-present, vital, joyous, and harmonious.  You are here to have a great life. Change your frequency and change your life.  Two questions for you……How much are you willing to receive? How can your life get better than this?  Contemplate on these and witness transformation.

You are an amazing human

Love and Light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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