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Cynthia's Blog

Trust Walk

Many years ago I worked with teens at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. We were supporting them in becoming more focused and confident. One of the exercises we used was a trust walk.  One person was blind folded and their partner led them on a...

The Power in the Possible

Six years ago my husband and I put in a road on our property. It led from our house to the horse barn and meadow. The purpose was to make it easier to get to the lower level of the property and to create access to a future studio. At the time, we did not have the...

Step into the YES!

I have been putting a lot of attention on saying “yes” to my life. What does that mean? For me, it is about opening to all of the goodness that is available for my life. I’m not talking about living in a dream world. I believe that the universe it set up to support...

Taking Inventory

Taking Inventory

Welcome to a new beginning. Welcome to 2016. I am meeting so many people that are excited about this time in history because they have a sense that something great is happening. I, too, feel that this time is a representation of my changes in consciousness and new...

Radical Self Care

Radical Self Care

There are times in our lives when we are unusually busy; and, for some people this is a lifestyle. The holiday season is especially a time when we can lose our sense of self care. There are family events, business affairs, community responsibilities, and sometimes...

Gratitude and Grace

Every one of us has unique gifts; some seem large and some seem small. They are ALL powerful gifts regardless of how we label them. Humanity cannot operate without the diversity of each person’s uniqueness. I want you to focus on being grateful for your special gifts....

Purpose and Change

I want to begin with a question "What are you doing every day to fulfill your destiny?" A lot of you are seeking answers regarding your purpose. For me, being on purpose has everything to do with a willingness to shift, change and be flexible. Your destiny is not a...

The Portals of Change

If you really think about your life, you will see that at every important juncture, you stepped through a portal and that portal marked a significant change. From elementary school to middle school, from high school to college, single life to married life, embracing...

High Vibrational Living

Dr. David Hawkins, an internationally renowned psychiatrist, author and pioneer in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality has done a lot of research around vibrational energy and its effects on human behavior. He discovered that vibrations of 200 MHZ or...

The Power of Love

There is not a person on the planet that does not respond to love. Love is healing and transformative. Love is nurturing and comforting. Love is an energy that opens the heart and supports deepening in relationships. I would like to invite you to explore how love...

Igniting Passion and Vision

I am very clear that passion is the foundation for fulfillment of purpose. When the energy of passion is present there is expansion and some level of excitement. Vision is always pulling us. Passion and vision together propel us into a purposeful life. I love Lynne...

Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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