Cynthia's Blog
Your Unique Destiny, Vision and Purpose
Cynthia joins Dr. Harry Morgan Moses on The Moses Show. Learn how you can move to a life where you are living your purpose in complete and utter freedom and becoming what you were destined to be. Listen to Cynthia now: [field name=unique_purpose]
Cynthia James Live One-on-One Coaching Session
Cynthia coaches members of her network for personal transformation beyond life's challenging circumstances. Topics included in this session: Not feeling support at work and Self doubt is hampering success. Listen to Cynthia now: [field name=supported_work]
Radical Self Care
Without self care, you cannot operate at your highest potential. Follow these steps to maximize the health of your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Click here to read or download in PDF format.
Shed the Shame
Family secrets can affect generations of people in such profound ways that their abilities to achieve freedom and peace are limited. Click here to read or download in PDF format.
5 Steps to Free From a Painful Past
Use these 5 steps toward freeing your spirit from painful past events and filling your life with joy and passion instead. Click here to read or download in PDF format.
What are you Waiting For? With Kristine Moeller
Join Cynthia and Kristine as they discuss healing an moving back toward wholeness. Listen to the radio interview now: [field name=waiting_for]
Leading from Within with Greg and Steve
Emotional Healing is becoming aware and understanding how your emotions are running and how they are running you. Your emotions define how you behave and react in the world and, understanding them will help you move toward that transformational point where you are...
Connections Radio with Barbara Bue
You can move from pain to passion in 7 weeks by reframing the way you look at and respond to the world around you. We all have passions to fulfill in our lives. We came here to fulfill our purpose and destiny. This program will help you dispel the concept that...
Love Yourself this Valentine’s Day
As we move toward Valentine’s Day, we oftentimes think about how love is manifesting in our lives or not showing up at all. Many of us fixate on having someone to remind us that we are important or valuable. Wouldn’t it be great if we could all remember that we are...
I Live for Thee
Music to lift and inspire the heart and soul. This amazing music has a jazz feel and a powerful message. Genre: New Age, Healing Release Date: 2005 Buy Now from
Standing In The Light
A soul stirring ride that is guaranteed to inspire the heart and soul Genre: New Age, Healing Release Date: 2003 Buy Now from
Remembering Who We Are
This CD is to inspire women to remember their full potential and the incredible gift that we are to the world. Genre: Spoken Word, Inspirational Release Date: 2010 Buy Now from