This is a powerful time on the planet.  Things are moving at an accelerated pace; unexpected transitions are happening; and some people feel blindsided by personal and professional shifts.  Many are trying to keep up while they put attention on creating harmony in their lives.  

Everyone I know is in some kind of process.  They are building or creating something new, rebuilding in some area of their life that has been lost or refreshing things to create new energy. I have been doing all three.  After my knee replacement surgery, it became clear that it was time to move into a state of re-invention.

So, I continue to build and expand my business capabilities to serve more people and organizations. I am “rebuilding” by creating a new community platform that can serve more people in an intimate, safe, and powerful environment. I have also been refreshing my website and marketing collateral.  

This has been a journey that has left me feeling excited, exhilarated, scared and, at moments, lost. I will explain more of about these shifts and share some tools I have learned in each process. Wherever you are in the moment, perhaps my experiences can support your evolution.   

I have re-invented myself many times.  

Answers Come In Unexpected Ways

“Your power to choose the direction of your life allows you to reinvent yourself, to change your future, and to powerfully influence the rest of creation.” ~ Stephen Covey

Answers Come In Unexpected waysI am a part of three mastermind groups.  One of the groups, we are all authors and speakers. On the last call one of the women was struggling.  We had heard her speak about this challenge on different occasions.  The problem was the same, but the circumstances were always different. After listening, one of the women said I have a counselor that often says…”Everything you are experiencing is how you are being with yourself.”  We all got quiet as a loving exchange occurred.  The bottom line was that we were all being asked to look at the ways we were treating ourselves and then recognize that outward appearances mirror our internal life.

I know this. I teach it.  Somehow, this had a deeper impact on me.  I took into my mediation the question, “What needs to shift inside of me to create a more harmonious life?”  In my journaling the message was clear.  “Look inside and be the change you wish.  Start small and then witness the shifts in your outer world.  You are never a victim of circumstances.  You are a creator of your reality.”

I really didn’t know that I needed this message because I love my life.  However, as I took a deeper look, I could definitely see how subtle old patterns were still running to disturb my peace.

Can you take some time to do some inner reflection and self-discovery?  If something disturbs or distresses you, look inside and become aware of how you are treating yourself.  

Steps for building, rebuilding and refreshing

Steps for building, rebuilding and refreshing

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” ~ Saint Francis Of Assisi

  1. Start with self-understanding and self-awareness. – How are you living? What kind of people surround you? Is joy a large part of your life?  Is there something inside of you wanting to emerge and create? What are your core values?  Are you in alignment with those values?
  2. Take inventory. –  What is working? What is not? What do you really need to change to experience freedom and success? 
  3. Dream big. – Let your imagination run wild. Write it down. You don’t have to know how to get there.  Imagination is a powerful creation tool.
  4. Look at your habits and beliefs – Are you doing everything to support your goals and desires or are there subtle forms of self-sabotage?  Are you walking your talk? Are you aware of times you say you believe something and do the opposite?  Don’t judge, just witness.
  5. Let go of the past. – Consciously decide to release unwanted thoughts, patterns, and beliefs.  Then, get the help you need to lovingly pack up the past and release it into the universe (coach, counselor, mentor).
  6. Make a list of shifts that will support your re-invention and dream building. You do not have to do all the things at one time.  Pick three and focus on them. Then, move on to the next three.  
  7. Be grateful for your shifts. – Give thanks daily for the progress you have made.

The Universe Is Calling You

“Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a new chance to rebuild what you want.” ~ Jim Rohn

The Universe Is Calling YouSo, I wasn’t planning on refreshing my website just now.  I was putting my attention on re-creating my community platform to create a safer space for supporting people.  I was working with my team and very excited about what we were bringing into form.

Then, something happened.  In a very short period of time three people mentioned that they thought my website was a little dated. At first, I was a little annoyed. I had put a lot of attention and intentionality into my current website.

Then, I paused. Why would three people I respect be telling me the same thing.  Then, I remembered that in my spiritual practice I had been asking for clarity on how to expand my visibility consciously. So, here was the answer three times.

I believe the universe is for us and will consciously answer our questions and prayers. Our job is to open, listen and respond.  The answers come in a lot of ways.  Sometimes a random email or social media post will arrive and ignite creativity. Sometimes colleagues, friends or family will say something so prolific that you must pause and reflect.  Answers can also come in your dreams or meditations. What is important is that you pay attention.

  1. Become conscious of what you are asking for in your life.
  2. Commit to a consistent spiritual practice.
  3. Journal your dreams, thoughts, and desires.
  4. Listen to loving feedback.
  5. Reflect on expert advice that is shared.
  6. Try something new. Don’t be afraid to take a risk.
  7. Don’t give up.

When I look back on my life, I give thanks that I have always been a seeker and risk taker.  Reinvention is something that I have always embraced.  

My deepest desire here is that you will honor the process you are now experiencing.  Know that I am here to support you if needed.  Take a look at my new website at: and my new community link is:

Enjoy the rest of your summer.  I am grateful to walk this path with you.

Much Love and Light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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