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Gratitude in Little Bites

Gratitude in Little Bites

As we move through November and head towards Thanksgiving, I thought it would be great to share my thoughts on gratitude and the power it has to change every experience into a possibility. I consider myself to be a miraculous unfolding. As I reflect on my life today,...
Getting Back to YOU!

Getting Back to YOU!

I’m writing this newsletter from Mexico. I am speaking and teaching at a conference where over 140 people from all over the world have gathered to deepen in their personal and spiritual development. Many came as a retreat before fall begins and they return to work or...
Jump Start a Spectacular Summer

Jump Start a Spectacular Summer

Can you believe it is already June? Time is moving fast. I love the summer. I am definitely a warm weather girl. Summer can bring a little stress for some. I have a lot of clients talking about wanting to look good at the beach and in the lighter weight summer...
Your Purpose Lives Within You

Your Purpose Lives Within You

In over 20 years of coaching and counseling people, I have consistently heard the same remarks. “I am looking for my purpose”; “As soon as I discover my purpose I will be able to move”; “I can’t connect with my purpose”; and “my purpose eludes me.” The dictionary...
Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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