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Celebrating You!

by Dec 16, 2019Personal Growth, Self Care

Whew, 2019 is winding down, and it feels big. Yes, this is a holiday season, but I’m talking about something more significant. We are exiting a decade. This means 2020 begins a new decade, and the field of opportunities is infinite. This is exciting to me on many levels. So, as we leave 2019, have you thought about celebrating whom you have become in the last ten years?

You are not the same person you were ten years ago. Yes, you might have struggled, moved through transition, started or ended a relationship, or did some deep inner work. Be clear; whatever you have experienced changed you.

In the last ten years, I left full-time ministry, built a studio with my husband, launched a coaching practice, co-created the Women Creating Our Futures conference and programs, completed a leadership training, completed a mystery school, and took close to 150 people on pilgrimages around the world. I also became an international speaker and teacher. It was one of the most significant learning curves in my life. I had to take a deep dive into my belief systems, my limiting behaviors, and dare to walk my talk. I want to share with you my process and perhaps support you on your journey of awakening in the next decade.

Honoring Your Growth

So, it is a fact you are not the same person you were ten years ago. As you reflect on this past decade, who have you become? Are you happy with the shifts, transitions, and growth? If not, why not? 

I believe everything happens in life is part of the extraordinary life we have come here to live. So, here is an exercise. Please answer these questions honestly. 

  1. What are you most proud of in the last ten years?
  2. What was your most significant learning?
  3. Who was your most excellent teacher?
  4. What have you been holding onto which no longer supports you?
  5. What would you like to treasure?
  6. Whom would you like to treasure?
  7. What are you willing to surrender?

Letting Go

Let us look at clearing. By that, I mean, releasing any old ways of being which no longer support you. For you to step into something, a new space has to be created. The exciting thing is before we shift, we must become honest about how we have lived, believed, responded, and reacted. For me, I was committed to letting go of reacting when I felt misunderstood. It was not easy because my entire childhood included experiences where I was odd, too much, too loud, and also challenging. I consistently felt I had to dim myself down to be accepted or feel safe. This pattern followed me into adulthood. In the last ten years, I have learned to love myself, honor myself, and trust myself. 

So, what about you? Here are some questions to support you in clarity and release. Please write them on a paper which is not in a journal.

  1. What is your biggest trigger? What is the one thing which can knock you off of your center?
  2. What behavior do you exhibit when this thing happens? (Example: shut down, lash out, cry, eat, etc.)
  3. What work have you done to shift this old pattern?
  4. What is the greatest lesson you have learned?

Once you get clear about these, I invite you to bless this journey. Now, burn the paper you’ve used to answer these questions. There is no need to take these experiences into a new decade.

Call It In!

Call it In!Now, how do you want the new decade to appear? Whom do you want to be? You have the power within you to create the life of your dreams. Answer these questions. I encourage you to use these questions in your daily spiritual practice. Use one each week and witness the significant shifts. It would be helpful to journal the answers. Over time you will discover themes. The universe answers all questions.

  1. What is the highest vision for my life? What is my zone of genius?
  2. What are my next steps?
  3. Who have I come here to be?
  4. Who are my optimal strategic alliances?
  5. How do I experience financial freedom?
  6. How do my relationships mirror goodness, love, and respect?

Use this affirmation: I am standing in a space expecting goodness, peace, love, and expansion. I claim and proclaim the full expression of my being. I dare to be bold! I dare to be brave! I leap into the greatness I have come here to be. I am powerful, joyous, and abundant. And So It Is!

Please know I stand with you. I celebrate who you have been and whom you are becoming. I know you are here to live a life of grand expression. Please let me know how I can support you in stepping into 2020 powerfully and authentically. You can work with me directly or access programs that I have created. 

Happy holidays!


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