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Claiming Your Independence

by Personal Growth

Individual Freedom and IndpendenceWe began this month celebrating Independence Day. For many it is just a day to party, grill and connect with family and friends. For others, it is a time of reflection about the many ways and means that people in our country have fought for freedom. I would like us to take some time this month to really explore what independence means to us individually and collectively.

When I looked up the definition of the word, this is what I found, “Freedom from the control, influence, support, aid or the like of others.” As I thought about myself in connection with this statement, another question came to mind. Where have I consciously or unconsciously given over my power to others in any way that could dampen my freedom? What came through was powerful and informative. I prayed, meditated and wrote in my journal as the revelations came through.

I invite you to ask yourself this question. Are you giving up your power in a personal relationship, work environment, creative endeavors or just in thinking that someone else knows better than you do how to live your life? It is so interesting and subtle how we move outside of our personal, intuitive knowing and think that someone else has the answer to our current life situations,

Please remember that you are brilliant, connected and a powerful energetic on this planet. I encourage you to do whatever is necessary to claim your independence and tap into the universal source that resides at the center of your being.

Affirmation: I am unified with my good; I claim my freedom right now and express in mighty and magnificent ways.

photo credit: (nz)dave via photopin cc

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