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Clearing from the Inside Out

by Emotional Healing, Intention, Personal Growth

Clearing from the inside outIt is Spring and the time of year when clearing and de-cluttering is happening everywhere. And I totally support outward clearing and make your environment most beautiful. I want to remind you that everything begins with an intention and when you open to that intention it is anchored internally. Clearing out in your life must start from deep intentionality. Have you thought about what your life would be like without all the stuff? Have you thought about how you would feel less encumbered?

Think about how you feel when you walk into a clean or clear space. Don’t you feel open? That is because the energy is clear. Clear energy opens the heart and activates creativity. People spend a lot of time talking about the life they want to create, but then stop when it comes to actualizing this desire.

Look at the ways you stop your growth.
Find a quiet space with your journal or a piece of paper.
Do not judge, just gently look closer – breath into your discovery of self.

1. Who am I called here to be?
2. What must I release to be who I came here to be?
3. What will I feel like when I am fully expressing? Really bask in how great it feels to be clear.
4. Look at your world. Does it fit? Do you feel the way you want to feel?
5. If not, it is time to look closely and deeply at what is needing to be released in order to clear and be available for your good.
6. Set an intention for creating clear space in your life. Sit with it and activate a willingness to begin clearing.

Affirmation: When I commit to myself, something powerful comes in.

photo credit: UGArdener via photopin cc

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