Advanced Awareness Clarity Coaching
Bringing Spiritual Principles to the High-Level Business Leaders through Executive Coaching for Unprecedented Results
I am committed to executive coaching with clients to stand in a space of empowered living, holistic expansion and extraordinary leadership competence. This work is intensive and clients are asked to commit fully to a minimum of six months of focused and intentional work.
I believe…

Every person and organization has a unique destiny, vision and purpose.

Each person and organization has a unique capacity to be of service to the community and world at large.

Open-hearted communication builds bridges of understanding and expansion.

The power of creativity and compassion is healing and transformational.

This Coaching is for YOU if:
- Our private executive coaching will focus on creating clarity around: representing yourself in writing and in person and how to use it time and again throughout your career.
- 6 months of executive coaching twice a month.
- You’ll need to set aside several hours to do the homework that is given each session.
What to Expect:
- Our private executive coaching will focus on creating clarity around: representing yourself in writing and in person and how to use it time and again throughout your career.
- 6 months of executive coaching twice a month.
- You’ll need to set aside several hours to do the homework that is given each session.
Coaching Objectives
Our private executive coaching will focus on creating clarity around:
- Anchoring your vision and purpose for the next phase of your life
- Your objectives and outcomes
- Up-leveling your business
- Building confidence
- Next steps and actions
- Working through emotional barriers
How It Works:
- Upon agreeing to work together, I’ll ask you to complete a leadership assessment that will offer you deep insight into how you currently work. I’ll also ask you to forward the results to me.
- Then, we’ll schedule 75 minute coaching session to identify your intention and how we will work together. During the first call, we’ll discuss the outcome of the assessment and how to professionally incorporate your strengths into the work and life you desire to create.
- In each subsequent 75-minute call, we’ll focus on step by step ways to expand you, your brand or your messaging.
- We will meet twice a month.
- You will be asked to send your completed homework documents to me two (2) days before our next call.
- Sessions are delivered via Zoom or phone depending upon geographical location and session content. Most clients prefer Zoom since it can be recorded.
- ALL SESSIONS MUST BE COMPLETE WITHIN 7 months (this allows for shifts in schedules, travel or emergencies)
Coach’s Responsibilities
My coaching with you will support you in attuning to your inner wisdom and creating a consistent spiritual practice. I will give you homework and materials designed to support your process, and together we’ll design a completion plan that supports your overall goals and objectives.
During the course of our work together, we will be using multiple modalities, tools, and processes to best support the individualized work you want to do. My techniques are used to support you in living a more powerful life and aren’t intended as alternatives to physical or mental health practices.
The Details:
If you are interested in Advanced Awareness Coaching:
- Please CLICK HERE to fill out Discovery Form.
- One of my team members will contact you within 2 days to discuss scheduling a time with me.
I believe that we are all here to be leaders and support transformation in this world.
The Investment:
- Pricing: 12 sessions: $5400 paid in full
- Pricing: 12 sessions – 3 payments – $1866.66 each
Cynthia is a Certified Clarity International Shift & Mechanics Coach

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