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Connect to the Heart

by Personal Growth, Transformation

OCT 2014 photoBased on the research of HeartMath, the heart has an independent logic and intelligence. It responds to the brain through the nervous system but does not obey it without reason. In fact, the heart actually analyses information and communicates to the brain and the brain obeys the messages and requests of the heart. When negative emotions appear the heart registers rhythms that are jagged, disordered and out of balance.

The heart sends messages and information up the spinal cord through the medulla (at the base of the spine). This affects breathing, heart rate and body functions. The heart also sends messages to the amygdala (storehouse of emotions and memory). This all moves through neurological, hormonal, energetic and electromagnetic fields so it is really complicated on one level and yet simple in another way. Literally, the heart transmits information and the body responds through our emotions perceptions and awareness.

Notice your heart. Notice how it is not quite so open and maybe even feels tight or constricted. Think of a few words that describe both experiences. Joyful heart words might be: peaceful, open, awake, happy. Challenge heart words might be: sad, anxious, upset, constricted.

How we are feeling and what we are experiencing is picked up in the heart and transmitted through the body and into the field of our environment. HeartMath says through this expression of energy, we are either coherent or non-coherent. If we are non-coherent, we feel disconnected, disengaged, upset, challenged and fearful. The heart rate amplifies and the body responds affecting hormones, adrenals, digestion and body functions. If we are coherent, we feel peaceful, loving, connected and the body flows in balance. Areas where we’re non-coherent can keep us from being vital and joyous. However, if we introduce appreciation into any of these areas of deficit, can neutralize the incoherent energy and raise the vibration.


Affirmations for self:

  • I appreciate my willingness to grow.
  • I appreciate that I woke up this day.
  • I appreciate my home and my car.
  • I appreciate my family and friends.
  • I appreciate that I am committed to my growth.

Affirmations for others:

  • I appreciate your kindness.
  • I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
  • I appreciate your excellence.
  • I appreciate your attention to detail.
  • I appreciate all of the things you do for me.

Klearchos Kapoutsis via photopin cc

Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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