by Inspiration, Personal Growth, Self Care, Self mastery


This is the month where we celebrate women.  Not sure why it is only a month, but that is another newsletter.

I want to start here by saying, I love being a woman.  I am excited to be on this planet as a woman.  I truly believe it is a space for women to emerge and bring our gifts to this world.  What the world needs now is more love, more nurturing, more peace and more caring.  These are qualities that are inherent in the feminine.

Celebrating Women

I also believe that the call for women today is to become conscious.  Now, more than ever we have to awaken and become aware of our power, gifts, and abilities. Then, we can radiate possibilities to the world and create a world we can love and respect.  Whether in relationships, career or family, success looks different for each person.  However, the outcomes can be similar.  We can all thrive. We can also invite humanity into the heart and the honoring of each person’s right to exist in peace.

Let me say here, I didn’t always honor being a woman.  Sometimes, it felt like a curse.  I didn’t feel seen, heard, honored, or respected. I didn’t know how to take care of myself or how to use my voice.  I often felt like I was in a battle for my existence.  A battle, that sometimes I felt I was losing.

At the same time, I wanted to experience success and live an expansive life. I can remember feeling as though I was never going to heal my old wounds and create the powerful life that lived within me.

Success as a woman has been a big topic for me and so I have been working on seven principles that can elevate our consciousness for years.  I want to share them with you. I hope these assist you and any woman you know to move into a greater sense of self-love and self-care.


Do not dream your life, live your Dream

What I am going to share here is not a linear process. Deciding to stay awake and aware takes time and is a process.  What I can tell you is that if you adapt these tools your life will change.  The key is to do all of these in small, simple steps.  Then, celebrate YOU and your movement.  Please don’t think you should wait until you become successful to expand.  There is no “arrival.”  We all reach milestones and then start over again. For me, that is the beauty of being human and a woman on the planet.  We get to explore being a fully expressed feminine being in all of its glory.



Think of this as a recipe for the fabulous “meal” called your life.  Each step is an ingredient to create a strong beautiful, abundant, and powerful life.

  1. Make yourself a priority.  The more you care for you, the more you can contribute to the world. Once you are clear, strong, grounded, and focused, everything and everyone in your life benefits.
  2. Do your inner work.  Spiritual practice, from my point of view, should be non-negotiable.  The stronger you are on the inside, the greater the possibilities to manifest the life of your dreams.
  3. Change your perspective over and over again.  We are evolutionary beings and new perspectives allow us to shift, heal, and step through new portals of freedom and abundance.
  4. Believe in your brilliance.  You would not be on this planet if you did not have unique and powerful gifts. You are essential. Honoring who you are is a pathway to self-love and self-confidence.
  5. Trust yourself and your process.  Transformation is not linear. It is a pathway of twists and turns that may feel confusing.  The important thing is to understand that the universe has your back and will always pick you up when you fall.
  6. Ask for help.  So many of us try to move forward in a vacuum.  Then, question why we feel stuck. The truth is that we need each other.  Reaching out for support gives us all the chance to lift each other up and share our abilities and genius.
  7. Become clear about having a healthy relationship with your finances.  Money is your friend.  Your financial clarity will be a game changer. Once you are clear, it will be easy manifest money and resources.  That will support investing in you and your dreams.

Take this month to focus on you! Take a deep dive into your deepest desires. Then, explore what it takes to become totally awake and aware.

  • What do you want?
  • What inspires you?
  • What lights you up?
  • What steps can you take to experience fulfillment?
  • What support do you need?

Know that I’m here for you to support and give resources. My website and my podcast Women Awakening will introduce you to many inspirational women.

Enjoy your month and remember how fabulous you truly are.

Much love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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