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Consciously Moving Forward

by Jan 13, 2021Personal Growth, Self mastery, Transformation


Okay, so here we are at the beginning of 2021. Everyone is clear that 2020 was not “the best year ever.” No one ever expected to be hit with a pandemic, become isolated and be challenged on multiple fronts. I get it. The question is “WHAT NOW?” I’m hearing people say they are optimistic about this year and they feel things are getting better. I am an optimist too AND I believe we are creative beings that get to craft the life we want to live.

In 2020, I had to re-invent myself in ways I never would have thought of in “normal” times. I also got to experience my resilience, walk my talk and trust in the field of infinite possibilities. It was not always easy, but I knew all I had to do was take one step at a time.

I am living proof that the past does not define you and opportunities to soar are available in every moment. If the pandemic had hit 20 years ago, I think I would have struggled greatly. In earlier times of my life, the hard part was learning to get moving and stay focused. Self-doubt and lack of self-confidence slowed me down. I am a visionary. So, it is easy for me to dream, fantasize, and create many projects in my mind. The challenge was learning to make the dreams a reality in form and take care of myself at the same time.

I would love to tell you that I got to where I am today easily. However, that would be a lie. It was not a straight-line journey. I fell, I got up, I fell some more and eventually, I had to get help. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. So, I needed a coach and a community where I could grow safely.

So, where are you in this moment? Are you doing what inspires you and lights you up? OR do you feel like you are on a merry-go-round of life. Has the last year left you feeling stuck and overwhelmed? Why not take time, in this moment, to really look inside.   

If you have set the same goals year after year and haven’t moved, looked at the same programs and didn’t commit, find yourself wishing for something better and procrastinating at the same time, feeling scared to move forward, making excuses or just can’t find the time to make your dreams a reality…..maybe it’s time to do things differently. I want to share with you what has helped me navigate challenging times and still stand in the center of my being. Here is what I want to invite you to consider:

  • Your life becomes what you do every day
  • A “commitment” is you making a vow to yourself
  • A dream is a garden that must be nurtured

This could be the perfect time to create a new path of discovery, creativity and manifestation. I am excited to share what I have learned.

We just completed our annual women’s conference, and I am in awe of the incredible work done by the participants. We asked them to look at reinvention and stepping into a new way of being. These women heard stories from courageous leaders inviting them to take a stand for their power and activate their strength. I, too, had a chance to do some of the exercises and am excited to see what will transpire this year. The one thing I know is that I am fully committed to bringing my most powerful self to the planet…. no matter the situation or circumstance.


When I look back at my life, it is clear that every challenge led to a new chapter. The moment I decided to surrender and become curious the universe moved in to support me. I cannot count the number of times that something felt like a crisis, but it was really a gift of possibility.    Yes, I was scared. Yes, I doubted myself. Yes, there were times I felt immobilized. Yes, I made mistakes. What I know today is that every one of those experiences made me who I am today. AND, if that is true for me, it is true for everyone. This thing called life is non-linear journey of awakening.

When I journaled the process of moving forward five things became very clear. I hope these will support you in moving forward this year. Here are my five steps to success.

Five steps to success

  1. TRUST: Learning to trust myself and my inner knowing was a journey. It is so easy to second guess and stay stuck in the “monkey mind” state of being. I began to ask myself, “Can you trust yourself?” What I finally realized is that we have within you everything that we could possibly ever need to be happy and successful. Activating trust practices became essential.
  1. TRANSITIONS: Every change is a portal. Once you know this, you can look for the opportunities and blessings. This takes time because it is so easy for the past experiences, beliefs and old patterns to creep in and convince us that things are hopeless or unsurmountable. Change is inevitable. How you deal with is the adventure.
  1. TRUTH TELLING: This is an act of courage and it reveals an authenticity that is profound. Truth telling creates bonds and trust within us and with others. For those of us that have struggled or are struggling with “finding our voices”, this can feel huge. Many of us have been penalized or punished for telling the truth. AND, it is the truth that sets us free.
  1. TRAINING: Up-leveling skillsets is important in any area of life. If we think we have arrived, stagnation is not far behind. The key here is to stay open, inquisitive and seek new levels of learning. Every successful person has been trained by people or organizations. Every leader I know has been willing to look for mentors, coaches, and teachers to support their success. Every coach, including me, has a coach.
  1. TENACITY: Persistence creates boldness and determination. Once an intention is set, it must be followed up with commitment and perseverance. Many people give up before they reach the goal or manifestation of a dream. I can personally look back and see times when success was around the corner and I was too scared to take the risk or stay the course.

I continue to use these steps for myself, with my clients, and the women in my programs. I am in awe of how 5 simple guideposts can make a world of difference. The trick here is to do something daily in support of your goals. They don’t have to be huge things. Little steps become BIG realities.

Let me also say here, you don’t have to do life the way I do. There are no hard and fast rules for fulfillment. However, I do believe that these steps can be great stepping-stones to move you forward in the direction of a purpose fulfilled.

Here is a gift for you. The five steps have been flushed out to give you more information and guidance. DOWNLOAD THIS FREE OFFERING to take a deeper dive.

THE 5 T’S – Principles for Successful Living

Please remember that you are not alone. There are many of us on the planet that are clear, focused and ready to be change makers. My invitation to you in 2021 is to play full out. Take a leap! Risk! Dare to be bold and step out in ways that scare you. If it does not scare you, it is too little.

My website has lots of gifts, tools, programs, courses and resources. I hope you will take advantage of my services it you feel called.  

Much love and Light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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