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Create a Brand New Life

by Personal Growth

Cynthia James BlogThis month, as many of us are preparing for the back-to-school season, I would like to focus on honoring and learning from history. Have you ever thought about the fact that your destiny could not unfold if you didn’t have the knowledge of your history or herstory? Have you thought about the fact that you would not be who you are today if your life did not contain every ounce of living that you have done?

As we reflect on our own personal history, we can also examine our lives with fresh eyes. Here are some questions that can help us explore how to reinvent ourselves into new and exciting people:
1. What in my life brings me joy and what does it look like to do more of what I love?
2. Where do I show up in ways that do not reflect the powerful person I know myself to be?
3. What could my life look like if I felt fulfilled and fully supported?
4. What changes in my life have I been avoiding?
5. If money were no object, what would I be doing?

Please know that within these questions lie the answers to a brand new you and a brand new life. Remember what Marilyn Grey said, “Life is not a dress rehearsal. Stop practicing what you’re going to do and just go do it. In one bold stroke you can transform today.” By letting the old go, we create space for something new and powerful. I am very clear that what stands in the way of my freedom is most often me! Open to the possibility that there is a new vision for your life, it is waiting for you right this very moment, all you need to do is open to it.

Affirmation: I accept that I am guided and supported and I trust it as I open to the possibilities of all things new.

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