Creative Regenerating

by Inspiration, Self Care

Well here we are – in quarantine. The entire world is in a “Giant Pause” and we have never been here before.  We cannot do things that we have taken for granted. Movies, dinner dates, shopping in malls, plane rides, bus rides or trips to the beach are out of the question. Dropping by a friend’s house is off the table. Going to clubs and even church can be dangerous. So, what can we do? I believe we can use this time to regenerate our enthusiasm and love of life.

I have spent a lot of time working with clients and in personal contemplation about what this means. Some people are telling me they feel trapped. Others identify as going stir crazy. While others are experiencing mild depression focusing on addictive behavior. It is clear that we will never go back to the “normal” we all knew. It is also clear, to me, that this could be an extraordinary opportunity to experience “Creative Regeneration.” What do I mean by that?

In biology, regeneration is the process of renewal, restoration, and growth that makes genomes, cells, organisms, and ecosystems resilient to natural fluctuations or events that cause disturbance or damage. Every species is capable of regeneration, from bacteria to humans.

Being creative, in this instance, means taking risks, ignoring doubts and facing fears. It means breaking with routine and doing something completely different. Being creative means searching for inspiration in even the most mundane places as we open to healthy states: mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

We are seeing it on social media. At home concerts, Virtual dance parties. Live-streaming church. We are also witnessing people singing from their balconies, dance parties in people’s yards (social distancing with joy)! We even saw a neighborhood line the streets in their cars to welcome home a girl that had gotten through chemotherapy coming home. All of this represents “creative regeneration.”

I have spent the last three weeks experimenting with “creative regeneration” and I want to share my process with you. Hopefully, it will ignite inspiration as you traverse this unprecedented time.



Be Creative

Clarity – Facts or Fiction? – I have to admit, when I first heard about the virus, I didn’t take it seriously. It seemed far away. Plus, I have a strong positive attitude and wanted to keep my attention on health and well-being. When someone close to me decided to self-quarantine, I was in judgement. Denial was in full play here. That time of annoyance and ignorance quickly passed as countries began to shut borders and lockdowns were being required. So, I took the first step. I went to reliable medical and scientific sources to gain clarity. I did not listen to just one news source. I listened to some news but most of my information came from doctors and scientists. Today, I check the news once a day to keep informed. 

Thoughts for you

  • Keep in touch with reputable sources to get up to date information. Once or twice a day is enough. You do not want to become addicted to news. It can really impact your emotional and mental state of health.
  • Have conversations with people that will uplift you and not bring you down with non-substantiated theories. That includes social media.

Acceptance – Once I got the facts, my husband and I moved into action.

  1. We went shopping and got items to last for a period of time.
  2. We self-quarantined.
  3. I contacted my clients and asked them all to move to zoom so that I could continue support.
  4. We clean all new things coming into the house (food bags, packages, mail).
  5. We contacted vendors and companies we do business with to find out how they were supporting clients. Many already had plans in place.
  6. We did things we knew would support our immune systems.
  7. We created time to amplify our spiritual practices to keep strong mental attitudes.
  8. We made sure we got plenty of rest.
  9. We exercised daily. (we always workout but we got very intentional)

Thoughts for you

  • Create a plan to keep in touch with loved ones.
  • Make sure you have enough food and supplies in case someone becomes ill (two of my friends had to navigate someone in their home having the virus).
  • Look for things to create positive energy in your daily life.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Make sure anytime you leave the house you have a mask, gloves and sanitizers.

Gratitude Adjustment – Once we were secure in our home, I had this overwhelming sense of gratitude. I had just been in India, on numerous planes, speaking in various communities and conferences. I became clear how extremely blessed I am to still be strong and healthy. I do gratitude work daily but that became the moment that I decided to pause daily and give thanks multiple times.

Thoughts for you

  • Stop several times a day and give thanks for anything and everything.
  • Send texts honoring people you love.
  • Give thanks to any people in service to you. (grocery stores, post office, etc)
  • Write down your “gratitudes” at night before going to bed.Cynthia James - Creative Regeneration


Here is where it gets to be fun. I will share with you how I have been using creativity to regenerate and re-energize myself and my life. First, here are the steps.

  1. PAUSE AND RESET – Take conscious steps to rest, sit down, look at the sunset, listen to calming music, read a book.
  2. REFLECTION AND REFOCUS – Think about or journal what is really important to you. What and who makes your heart smile? What lights you up? What do you love that have you put aside until you “had time to get to it?”
  3. MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE – Do something daily to get the energy of your body moving. Go online and find yoga classes, dance classes, and stretching sessions. Lots have emerged during this pandemic.
  4. CLEAR AND MAKE SPACE – Now that you have time, what can you organize, clear, or clean out? What spaces need to be cleared up to make room for something that could support you moving forward? (closets, drawers, files, etc.)
  5. READY TO RECEIVE – This is where your powerful imagination comes in. Start visioning and visualizing new ways of being and expressing. You don’t have to know how to get there. Let the dreamer inside of you go wild. Write it down.
  6. EXPLORATION – Start playing with ideas. How can you rejuvenate an idea that has been on hold? What classes are available online to support your ideas? Who can you collaborate with to create new ventures? How can the artist in you come alive?
  7. GET OUT OF THE BOX – Try new stuff. There is nothing to stop you from experimenting. You’ve got time and space. Let your inner child/inner artist come out and play.

Here is what I have done using this process.

  1. Get 8 hours of sleep.
  2. One hour of spiritual practice in the morning.
  3. Cleaned out my closets and old papers.
  4. Re-designed my home office and made it feel like a sacred space.
  5. Ordered new equipment to make my online recording area feel more peaceful.
  6. Created some new recipes to support our not being “food” bored.
  7. Started collaborating with a few people and created new products.
  8. Walked and moved daily. I have a few dance videos and worked out with my “I Am Moving mediations”.
  9. Created new video scripts and shot them.
  10. Made time to write about things that ignite my soul.
  11. Check in with people I love weekly.
  12. Do date nights at home with husband several nights a week.
  13. Do a time of gratitude and breathing rituals every night with my husband before we go to bed.

I don’t know what is next, but I do know that I will walk out of this situation with a renewed sense of creativity and expression. I invite you to join me. Let’s make the best of the time and emerge healthy and restored.

Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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