Dare To Be Brave and Success Will Follow

by Discovering Your Purpose, Intention, Personal Growth, Self Care

Dare To Be Brave and Success Will Follow

Last December, if you had told me that that I would launch a new album and book in 2022 I probably would have laughed.  I am very clear how much work goes into creating new projects and really believed that 2022 was going to be about building my coaching and speaking business.  The universe had other plans.

One thing I have learned is to be obedient to my inner callings.  I am clear that when a powerful invitation or opportunity appears paying attention is essential.  I hadn’t recorded new music in eight years and had no plans in 2022.  Then, the Brothers Koren magically came into my life and asked me to open to a new level of my voice and creativity.  At first, I resisted but everything in me said you must do this.  So I activated the “courageous” me and stepped out on faith. What occurred was a new musical me, a stronger voice, and a power in my voice that I hadn’t heard in a long time.

Around the same time, I was introduced to the publisher, She Writes Press and they invited me to launch my new book in 2022.  I was still in development but, once again, my intuition said, “this is for you take a leap!”

As I prepare for 2023, I am “absolutely” clear that taking brave and bold steps create pathways to freedom of expression and the manifestation of glorious possibilities.  In this newsletter, I will share some of what I learned as I stepped into the unknown.

Never Too Late

Never Too LateYoung and old people alike are concerned about their age. They seem to be running a race against time. Young people want to hurry up and become something.  Older people are afraid that time is running out.  All of this is a myth. You are here to reveal your gifts in support of yourself and humanity.  There is no “shelf life” to purpose unfolding.

Some of you are too young to remember an actor named Abe Vigoda. He was a sad-faced actor that been a stage career actor until he was 50 years old and something miraculous happened.  He was cast in the 1970’s movie “The Godfather” as the mob man Tessio. Then was cast as Detective Phil Fish on the hit sitcom “Barney Miller.”

Francis Ford Coppola said, Vigoda landed the role of Tessio in an “open call”, in which actors who did not have agents could come in for an audition.  He then appeared in his own spinoff, “Fish,” while still in the cast of the original show. “Fish” centered on the detective’s home life as the foster parent of five children of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. 

Imagine if he had given up or judged himself harshly for not becoming a huge success in his 20s, 30s, or 40s.

Your age is a non-issue. The question is who are you? Who do you want to become? And are you taking action daily to create the life of your dreams?  If you are the universe with meet you and manifest a joyous expansive way life far beyond your wildest dreams.

I am a living example that passion can be revealed at any age. Davie Bowie said “Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been”.

Don’t Take Anything For Granted

Don’t Take Anything For Granted

There is nothing that you have done or are doing that is insignificant.  If you take the time to look beyond appearances, there is always something beautiful to remind you that your presence is a gift.  I am aware that many people judge accomplishments by numbers.  How many members. How many books sold?, How many clients, etc.? The moment you enter that game you have set up the process of comparing.  Am I good enough? What does this number mean?  Am I relevant? Will I be successful?   These questions and so many more take you out of the present moment and catapult you into a field of judgment, fear and doubt.

Recently, I had a book signing at a bookstore.  It was a new venue to me, and the first 30 minutes seemed like no one would show up. Finally, a young woman came to speak and look at the book. She said she usually read books on audible and wondered if I was doing one. I told her yes and expected it to be out sometime in January.  For some reason she stayed and kept looking at the book. Then, she started to share.  Her mother and sister were challenged and didn’t handle books any longer. But she wondered if this might be something her sister needed.  So, she texted her mom and immediately got a response that the sister was too challenged.  She then began to talk to me with such vulnerability about the family challenges and how hard it was for her.  I simply listened.  She walked away with such gratitude for that moment with a “stranger.”

As I reflected, I was so clear that the conversation with that young woman was part of the reason I was there. So, I started to give thanks. Within moments people started to come.  Some had seen the flyer on the window, some had seen my social media post, and some had just come into the store.

That moment reminded me to never take for granted that I matter, and that the universe will always take care of me.  The same is true for you.  Your accomplishments are great but the number of people that you touch is an extraordinary gift.  You never need to compare or judge your progress. You are always in the right place at the right time.

This Is No Time To Play Small

This Is No Time To Play SmallThe world is all over the place. People are struggling on multiple levels. Because of that fact, many are pulling back their energy and becoming isolated.  Isolation is a major issue in the world today.  People feel alone, sad, discouraged, and powerless.

What if you were clear that now is the time for you to step forward with intention and in your full power?  Playing small and hiding supports no one. Bringing your genius and brilliance forward create change for you, your family, your friends, and community. You are here to be visible.  I am inviting you to join me in 2023 by doing the following:

  1. Do it anyway – Even though you feel scared or unsure of the outcome, make steps every day to shine your light.
  2. Come out of hiding – You are here for a reason and you withholding your gifts deprives people that need what you have to offer the opportunity to transform.
  3. Create affirmations – Powerful statements of possibility that you speak every day assist in moving past old paradigms.
  4. Surround yourself with loving people – Look at who is around you. Are they supportive and nurturing or consistently judging you and your desires? You want people in your life that see your potential and want to support your success.

As you end 2022, please know that you have made progress this year.  Every courageous act, large or small, has moved you closer a healthy and vibrant life.  I stand with you and honor your path.  Let’s soar in 2023.  Be Brave and Success Will Follow!!!!!

Much love and Light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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