I am so excited to share with you my latest discovery … DELICIOUS LOVE. The kind of love that makes you shout with glee. You know, that love that makes your heart pump and every moment is filled with great expectancy? The love that makes you want to dress up and look your best, keeps a smile on your face and invites you to write incredible poetry. Think about a moment when everything in you felt radiant and excited to be alive … a moment when you were so sure that you were desirable and desired. Recall that moment and let it fill your body. Notice how you tingle and joy forms in your mind.
Here is the discovery. That DELICIOUS LOVE is available in every moment. It does not come from anyone or anything. It resides in your heart, in your smile, in your being. It is screaming “pay attention, I am here. I recognize you.” The DELICIOUS LOVE is what attracts others to you. It is an energy that is contagious and powerful. It is an undeniable force that people rush to experience and cannot resist. IT IS YOU! It is the essence of your life that is made of universal bliss.
I have come to the awareness that I am who I have always wanted. I am the love that makes my heart sing. I am the reason for joy in my life. I am the creativity of the divine that is wanting to be expressed. I am brilliant, expansive and amazing. I AM DELICIOUS LOVE MADE MANIFEST.
You have an opportunity right this very minute to call in DELICIOUS LOVE. You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to look for it. You have been blessed with this gift. It is in your DNA and is activated from the remembrance of your eternal light. Step up! Celebrate! The world is waiting for you to bring your DELICIOUS LOVE into form. I am excited for you. Once you fall in love with yourself, you are an undeniable force that will be incredibly awe-inspiring.
Take a moment to remember this:
Today, I rejoice that I am DELICOUS LOVE revealed!