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Do You Know How Fabulous You Are?

by Jun 8, 2023Discovering Your Purpose, Inspiration, Personal Growth, Self mastery

Do You Know How Fabulous You Are?

This is my question for you this month. “Do You Know How Fabulous You Are?  I’m not talking about how you look, what job you have, what success you have achieved, or how much money you have.  When I say fabulous I mean the extraordinary essence of YOU.  When you look in the mirror can “see” your inner beauty, your charm, and your innate gifts? Those qualities are what make you fabulous.

So many of us are trying to become the “perfect” version of ourselves. That is a waste of time and energy.  You came here perfect, unique, powerful, and exceptional.  I can say this today but I didn’t always feel that way about myself.  In fact, I felt damaged, invisible, and inadequate.  It took decades to finally move into a place of pure self-love and acceptance.

My clients often, initially, come to me seeking a pathway to self-honoring, self-respect, and self-worth. The work we do is about helping them remember that they have always been enough.  In fact, they are here to bring their amazing gifts to the planet.

I am dedicating this entire article to the “fabulous you” and why “remembering” who truly you are is a game changer.

You Are Here By Design

You Are Here By Design - Woman pointing finger at the camera

People tell me that I walk with confidence.  They are right I do but it wasn’t always that way.  I was terrified of being seen, judged, or hurt. I was afraid that I was destined to be poor, misunderstood and abandoned.  When I was about 13 or 14 years old my grandmother took me to a woman that read “tea leaves.”  I thought it was kind of airy fairy but she said something I will never forget.  “You are here to do great things. You are here with a purpose. You are here to be a teacher. You are here by design.”  Now, she could have said those things to anyone but there had to be some truth because I remember walking out feeling stronger.

If you think about the odds of you being born, you could never think you were an accident. 

  • Around 300 million sperm are typically released during sex, but only about 200 sperm will reach the egg. This is still a pretty big number since we only need one sperm to fertilize an egg.
  • Each person’s fingerprints are unique, which is why they have long been used as a way to identify individuals.
  • Iridology is the study of the patterns on the iris, the colored part of your eye. Yours are unique.
  • Every DNA is unique to each person although the DNA is composed of the same nitrogen-based molecules.

These facts should remind you that you are a precious gift. You house within you a treasure chest of “unique-abilities.”  Only you can share your wisdom the way it flows through you.  So, why wouldn’t you take ownership of the power source that lives as you?  Why wouldn’t you dare to shine. 

What I am talking about is not arrogance. I am talking about claiming your extraordinary essence and sharing it with the world.  The people you admire most know who they are and confidently walk this planet in honor of being alive.  You can do the same.

The Lies We Have Been Told

We live in a culture that would have us believe that we are here to struggle and overcome obstacles to be successful.  BIG LIE.  Why would the universe have you come on this planet to put your attention on playing a losing game.  If we live in a field of infinite possibilities, which I believe we do, what would be the point of human beings living a life of pain and suffering?

Please think about these lies and how so many of us have bought into them:

  1. There is not enough for everyone. 
  2. You have to fight to win.
  3. Your age is a hindrance.
  4. Only smart people can succeed.
  5. You are powerless.
  6. The powers that be will only let you go so far.
  7. You need someone to take care of you.
  8. It’s hard to make money.
  9. You are not safe.
  10. Women and people of color are destined to struggle.
  11. There are winners and losers.

The Truth Antidotes

The Truth Antidotes

  1. The universe is unlimited and there is enough for all.
  2. Struggle is not necessary to succeed.
  3. Age is just a number. When one door closes, another one opens.
  4. We all possess innate intelligence and inner guidance.
  5. You possess a power that supports the dreams that live within you.  
  6. No one can take your destiny.  You own it.
  7. You possess brilliance, gifts and wisdom. Partnering is great but you do not “need” anyone to rescue you.
  8. Money is energy and is everywhere.  Open your field to receive it.
  9. You live in a safe universe.  There are challenges but the universe has your back.
  10. No One is destined to struggle.
  11. There are opportunities and there are challenges.  If one thing doesn’t work you get to try another.

No one is destined to struggle.

No One is destined to struggle.

Here is what I want you to know.  You Are Fabulous! Your age is irrelevant. Your size or weight is irrelevant. Your race and gender are irrelevant.  What matters is that you are here as a divine light.  

I am so grateful to walk with you.  We are brothers and sisters in this universe. We are all here to touch hearts and make a difference.  We are all fabulous.

Much love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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