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Emergence: Gifts of Magic

by Oct 11, 2019Discovering Your Purpose, Inspiration, Transformation

In 2020, my Women Creating Our Futures conference focuses on EMERGENCE: A year of magic, miracles, and manifestation. I want to write some of my blogs on the meaning of Magic, Miracles, and Manifestation and how we might all use them to step into a higher frequency of life.

Let me start by saying YOU are MAGIC. You possess the qualities and gifts to defy gravity. You have within yourself abilities to create extraordinary experiences beyond your current reality. So much so, your life could be transformed in ways; today, you cannot imagine.

References to magic are abundant in the ancient Greek myths among the classical founding pagan cultures of Europe, connected to the neighboring Egyptian and Persian myths. Often centered on women of divine origin, nymphs and priests, from Ariadne to Calypso, Circe to Medea, Hermes to Hecate, magic, divination, and necromancy are widespread and intertwined with Gods and monsters, oracles and heroes.

Elizabeth Gilbert wrote a book entitled: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. There are seven quotes from her to support the gifts shared here. Let’s explore her theory and how it might apply to us accessing our inner magician. Please take the time to review the seven steps and use them to manifest a magical and creative life.


 “But the Greeks and the Romans both believed in the idea of an external daemon of creativity—a sort of house elf, if you will, who lived within the walls of your home and who sometimes aided you in your labors. The Romans had a specific term for that helpful house elf. They called it your genius—your guardian deity, the conduit of your inspiration. Which is to say, the Romans didn’t believe an exceptionally gifted person was a genius; they found an unusually talented person had a gift.”

 ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Every person has a zone of genius. We all come here with innate abilities only we can deliver. We are unique expressions and, therefore, must have delivery systems for our gifts. The first becomes recognizing your gifts and then opening to how you, only you, can bring them into form.

I have always been able to take concepts and translate them into communications that can be understood by many. This zone of genius takes many forms. Sometimes it is through my music. Sometimes through a speech or a book. It comes when I work with clients and groups. It takes many forms but is always about translating.

Take a few moments and write down things you have always been great at doing. Then look at them and find the common thread. This list is your zone of genius.


“Do you have the courage? Do you have the courage to bring forth this work? The treasures hidden inside you are hoping you will say yes.”

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Activate Creativity!

Once you identify your gifts, the next step is to share them. How many people do we all know who have gifts held inside? How many people do we know left the planet with regrets of never pursuing their dreams? The only thing missing was their willingness to activate courage and dare to leap.

Boldly stepping out is an act of courage. Sometimes you have to move without knowing the next move or how the dream will manifest. It is really about taking one step at a time, and trusting the universe will supply you with every resource necessary.


“An abiding stereotype of creativity is it turns people crazy. I disagree: Not expressing creativity turns people crazy. (“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you don’t bring forth what is within you, what you don’t bring forth will destroy you.”—Gospel of Thomas.)”

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Let’s face it. We live in a creative universe. Everywhere we look, we can witness how creativity abounds. Nature is creative. No two blossoms are the same. No two animals are the same.

Even in the human experience, creation happens. Twenty-five people can sing the same song, and it will be infused with their energy and their interpretation. People in an art class can work with the same subject, and there will be nuances that come through them into the art.

Think about this. Creativity takes nurturing. I could always sing, but it wasn’t until I studied voice that I could find my sound, my interpretations, and my delivery. The moment I connected with my inner artist, I began to write songs and create CDs.

I am not different than you. What wants to be created through you? You don’t have to be perfect or excellent at it. Just start. Every artist and champion began with a dream or a vision. What’s yours?


“You are worthy, dear one, regardless of the outcome. You will keep doing your work, regardless of the outcome. You will keep sharing your work, regardless of the outcome. You were born to create, regardless of the outcome. You will never lose trust in the creative process, even when you don’t understand the outcome.”

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

You are a divine manifestation. The universe came into being as you because you are necessary to the evolution of this planet and life. If this is true, there is no way you could be unworthy of love, joy, peace, and abundance.

Any thought of unworthiness is a lie trying to be real. You get to choose where you want to focus. Why not focus on what you desire? Why not ask the universe to bring to you all which will expand your destiny? Why not call in support for your gifts in extraordinary and unexpected ways?

This year I am focused on manifesting my mission more powerfully. I am committed to doing daily exercises that keep my attention on fulfillment.


“The clock is ticking, and the world is spinning, and we simply do not have time anymore to think so small.”

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

I believe we do not have one more minute to play small, pull back our energy, and give our power away. You would not be here if you were not necessary. The call, then, is to play full out, stand up, and bring your voice to the planet.

Some people and organizations are seeking you and your gifts. These people are waiting for you to “bring it.” They are awaiting your guidance. Without you, some would continue to be lost.

The question becomes, what do you need to consistently move out of the paradigms of fear, doubt, and “stuckness?” What if you decided today you were complete with old ways of being and dared to leap into your full expression? What if we all did that?

Transformation for humanity would take a giant step forward.


“You want to write a book? Make a song? Direct a movie? Decorate pottery? Learn a dance? Explore the new land? Do you want to draw a penis on your wall? Do it. Who cares? It’s your birthright as a human being, so do it with a cheerful heart. (I mean, take it seriously, sure—but don’t take it too seriously.) Let inspiration lead you wherever it wants to lead you.”

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Today, this moment is all you have. Why are you waiting? There is no guarantee about the next day, week, or year. All it takes is starting. You don’t have to know the outcome.

When I was writing my first book, I was in serious doubt. I keep thinking, “What do I have to say that anyone wants to hear? Who do I think I am to write a book? Who will want to read this?” Then, I spoke to a friend of mine, Katherine Woodward Thomas. She was already a successful author. She gave me fantastic advice. She said, “Just do it and allow the universe to guide you and the book!” She was so right. Thousands of people have read this book. It has been translated into Spanish and is the foundation for training coaches to do my work.

I want you to know every time I have a vision or launch a new project, the old voices still appear. What I know now is that they have no power unless I give it to them. When they come forward, I tap into the magic in me. I put my attention on what I want and remember the entire universe is conspiring for me.


“Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Rock the boat! Stir the pot! Bring your voice! You are not supposed to be the same. You are not here to be a replica. You are here to blow up any limiting thought or behavior.

If you look at the people, you admire they are revolutionaries. They said no to boxes and/or conforming to things they knew were against their intuitive knowing. Their calling took precedence, and they sought out people and means to feed the hunger of transformation within them.

Take some time to review this newsletter and see what resonates with you as you connect to the magic within you.

Please think about joining us in January. We have many ways to support you in creating a year that will lift you to the next level.

Much love and light,


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