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Ending This Year With Awe and Wonder

The other night Carl and I went to dinner with two dear friends. Somewhere in our conversation Carl brought up his desire to continue to see the world in Awe and Wonder. He loves to photograph things that inspire awe within him. That conversation created the space for us all to bring our thoughts and ideas about how to create that exquisite energy in a world that is so challenged.

Awe and WonderWhen I got home, I looked up the word AWE and this is what I found – an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.

Then I looked up the word Wonder and I found this – a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.

Both definitions brought me to a place where I wanted to take a deeper dive into the concept of living in Awe and Wonder. I am someone that loves beauty, and it is why I take people on pilgrimages. There are so many wonderful and amazing sites around the world that inspire awe.

Two amazing artists, Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett wrote a song called AWE. Some phrases in that song live within me. So, this month I want to invite you into these thoughts.

“The miraculous privilege we have of playing this human game……If we’re not in awe we are not paying attention… May I begin each day with gratitude and awe!” – Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett

Awe and wonder are not just feelings or emotions. They are insights into the glory of the divine present in every moment. Tapping into these energies gives us the opportunity to experience beauty that is alive everywhere.

The thing called being human is a gift and how we manage life becomes the great task. If we are not attuned to the awe and wonder of life our attention goes to places that can sap energy and push us to places of pain and isolation. I find that starting every day in gratitude allows me to open to the experiences of beauty and grace.

Fear Can Dampen Our Ability to Experience Awe and Wonder

Fear Can Dampen Our Ability to Experience Awe and WonderMany of us are living in fear and scary things are hard to ignore. I am clear that fear is a powerful tool of “manipulation and control”.  The more afraid we are the easier it is to pull our attention away from love, kindness, generosity and care.  Fear puts us in a space of survival and division.  We are witnessing it all around the world.

Fear can significantly impact one’s ability to live in awe and wonder. When fear dominates our thoughts and emotions, it tends to narrow our focus, increase stress levels, and create a sense of constriction.  

To counteract the impact of fear and enhance the ability to live in awe and wonder, individuals may benefit from practices that promote resilience, mindfulness, and emotional regulation.  That is one of the reasons I work with clients to anchor emotional integration.

Also, techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and cognitive reframing can help to manage fear and create space for more positive emotions.  Additionally, focusing on gratitude allows us to experience awe inspired moments that contribute joy and peace.  I am not saying ignore the challenges and injustices. 

I am simply inviting us to witness challenge and choose to bring loving energy to our lives. When we do not the following can occur.

  1. Narrow Perspective – Our attention focuses on potential threats and negative outcomes.
  2. Stress and Tension Expand – The body then activates the fear responses, and it becomes hard to relax and be present.
  3. Curiosity is inhibited – We become afraid to step outside of our comfort zones and explore new ways of thinking and being. We miss new opportunities and experiences. 
  4. Impacts Relationships – The strain of fear makes it difficult to connect with others and share heart opening communication. Fear makes us guarded and closed.
  5. Diminishes Joy – Fear dominates the emotional landscape and allows old patterns to hijack the lightness of being those lives within us.

Embracing Awe and Wonder

Embracing Awe and Wonder

Living in awe and wonder during challenging times involves cultivating a mindset that allows you to find beauty, meaning and gratitude even in the most difficult circumstances. Here are some thoughts to keep you in awe and wonder.

  1. Embrace the present moment – Life unfolds in the present. Practice being mindful and attuned to nature, sounds, sensations, and beauty.
  2. Choose a positive perspective – Move from what is lacking to honoring how you have grown and healed.
  3. Celebrate small victories – You have had many wins in this life. Put your attention on them and honor the small and the large accomplishments.
  4. Surround yourself with things that feed your soul – cultivate supportive relationships, make your home environment beautiful, and allow creativity to nurture your being.
  5. Practice gratitude in a myriad of ways – start your day with gratitude, have a gratitude journal, share your gratitude for people in your life that bring you joy.

As you move into the holiday season, please remember that living in joy and wonder is a continuous journey rather than a destination. It involves a commitment to a positive mindset, intentional practices, and a willingness to find beauty in both the extraordinary and the ordinary aspects of life. By embracing this approach, you can create a more fulfilling and joyful existence, even in the face of hard moments and experiences. 

I love you and stand with you in the amazing experience of witnessing awe and wonder.

 Love and Light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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