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Damanhur Italy – Sold Out

Damanhur, Italy , Italy

THIS PILGRIMAGE IS SOLD OUT. Many of you have asked about my Pilgrimages for 2019.  Here is the first invitation.  I will only be taking twelve (12) people to meditate with me in the Temples of Humankind - Damanhur, Italy.  It is nestled in the alpine foothills north of Piedmont, Italy, between Turin and Milan, and […]

Pilgrimage Leader to Egypt

Egypt , Egypt

Pilgrimage Leader to Egypt - SOLD OUT “Among the feminine nouns: I am fame, prosperity, speech, memory, intellect, resolve and forgiveness” ~ Bhagavad Gita October 31 - November 12, 2022 This event is SOLD OUT.


Damanhur Pilgrimage – Sold Out

Damanhur, Italy , Italy

This event is SOLD OUT! I am so excited to be taking a group to Damanhur July 24-31.   I am only taking 10 people and hope to have it filled soon. We live as a community for 8 days.We share a beautiful guest house. This is not a 5 star hotel experience but a […]


Egypt Trip – Sold Out

Egypt , Egypt

This trip is Sold Out! I am so thrilled to be taking a group to Egypt on October 16-28, 2023. I am only taking 14 people and hope to have it filled soon. This is a first class trip. We stay in 5-star hotels, have luxury buses with toilets, egyptologist, esoteric Egyptian historian and me. […]

Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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