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Tap into the Field of Gratitude

by Nov 12, 2018Inspiration

Tap into the Field of Gratitude

Amazing teachers, motivational speakers, and spiritual guides speak about the benefits of gratitude.  I know many people have gratitude journals and practice thanksgiving daily.  My husband and I have a gratitude ritual we have done for 18 ½ years.  We never go to bed without bringing in what we are grateful for as the day is ending.  We know gratitude supports us, and I want to talk about why this is so.

Everything in the Universe is energy and is vibrational in nature.  Quantum Physics tells us we are all energy.  Our thoughts are energy, and our behaviors are energy in action. Everything is oscillating at a particular vibrational frequency. Maybe this has never crossed your mind, but we live in a “field” of energetic frequencies.

Gratitude is powerful and changes your vibration quickly and effectively. When you shift your vibration with gratitude, the Universe responds. When you are upset, stressed or feeling down, this energy corresponds with identical frequencies in the Universe.  When you are joyous, excited, and enthusiastic, the Universe hears and responds.  Once you understand this you can tap into the power of gratitude and use it for good in your life.

The law of attraction is a Universal law reminding us “like attracts like.”  Therefore, a high vibrational frequency will attract positive experiences, and low vibrational frequencies attract more negative or challenging situations. Your thoughts are the portals to these manifest forms.  Ernest Holmes said, “Change your thinking, and change your life.”

Discovering this information was enormous for me.  The concept of me creating the kind of life I wanted was foreign.  My family of origin believed in the struggle, and all the attention was put on being rescued by some outside force. This meant we were victims of circumstance.  Whining and complaining were the norm.

Many years ago, I remembered a friend saying to me, “Are you aware you always look for what’s wrong first? I don’t think it supports the life you say you want. Why don’t you change your choices?”  I was a little stunned, but in retrospect she was right.  It had not dawned on me I was feeding my “field” of life experience.  I decided I was going to shift my awareness. It was not easy, and sometimes I failed. It was during this time I began to activate gratitude daily.  Even when I felt crappy, I looked for the good.  Below are some realizations which came to me through my spiritual practice.

Thoughts on Raising Frequencies

  1. Higher vibration thinking creates a lightness of being in your life, your relationships, and your environments.
  2. The feelings you feel are energy. Monitor your feelings.
  3. The thoughts you think are energy. Monitor the inner and outer thoughts. If they do not support your life, you can change them.
  4. Healthy relationships create higher vibrations. Look at who is around you.  Are they helping your energy?

As we move into the holiday season, some people are already experiencing angst around family time.  They are dreading the family confrontations and dysfunction. Some even look for ways to “escape” if necessary.  I have a friend who makes plans to visit several people in one day to avoid an entire day with family.  I totally understand all of this but what if you took another energy into the “field” of your family?  What if your energy was so powerful it brought light into the experience? This doesn’t mean the family changes. It says you are different.

If you are concerned about the holiday why not start now to prepare for Thanksgiving.  Put yourself in a mindset of positive thinking.  Create an energetic frequency so strong excitement, ease and grace fill your thoughts and conversations.  Here are some ideas to guide the process.  You can use these at any time in your life.

Tips on Using Gratitude

  1. Start your day with gratitude. Get clear on what you are grateful for daily.  Make a list, use a journal or speak out loud the gifts of your day.
  2. Every day tell someone you love and appreciate him or her.
  3. Honor the little things. You woke up.  You can breathe.  You have a home, etc.
  4. Give thanks for the challenges as opportunities for growth.
  5. Place notes of gratitude around your house and office.
  6. Watch inspiring videos and listen to uplifting music.
  7. Visualize daily your gratitude for an amazing life. See yourself winning.

I do not believe we can change anyone but ourselves.  So, this time of year is the perfect opportunity to tap into the magnetic field of goodness and joy.  You are a gift in this universe, and you deserve to walk in and as light.  I believe the universe is for us and our job is to use the law of attraction to create manifest joy.

You can create the life you desire by merely tapping in. Tapping into love. Tapping into grace. Tapping into the field of gratitude.  It is never too late to start.

Happy Thanksgiving.  Know I am grateful for you.

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