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Focus on what you love?

by Personal Growth

Focus on what you love?

So many times, I have heard people say, “do what you love, and you will soar.”  I totally get this. Today, I am clear I am living the life of my dreams.  I have to say it was not such an easy journey to get here. There were many times where I faltered and fumbled my way through life experiences.  I knew what I loved, but I was not sure how to make a living utilizing my passions.

Lately, I have been experiencing young people who are daring, bold, risk-takers and paradigm shifters.

  • Jack – a model in the UK with downs syndrome
  • 9-year-old skateboarder blowing up the skateboard world
  • Daliya – 4 years old, and has read over 1000 books Gainesville, GA
  • Kevin Chen – Canadian pianist – started playing by ear at 2 ½. Has written three symphonies and eighty individual songs all by the age of 10 years old
  • Carson Huey-You – 14-year-old graduated from Texan Christian University with a degree in physics (along with minors in Math and Chinese)

I am telling you this because each of one these children do not operate in a field of fear. They emanate from an area of joy, creativity, and exploration.  They are adventurers pursuing passion and things they love.  These kids made me think about my attention.

I looked at this list of children and decided to write down what I love.  Here is the list.

  • Supporting awakening
  • Standing for what I believe
  • Speaking and teaching
  • Singing and movement

These things may not look as monumental as the kids I mentioned, but they do keep me in a field of joy and expansion.  I have actually created the life of my dreams by focusing on what I love.  The moment I became clear I wanted to design my destiny my focus shifted. I got serious about putting my full attention, daily, on what I wanted.  I turned my back on what I did not want.

Questions for the Universe

To do this, I asked the universe some questions and I am going to share them with you.

  1. What lights me up?
  2. What do I value?
  3. Am I standing for what I appreciate?
  4. What is my legacy?
  5. What do I want to leave behind?
  6. How am I living my life when I am fulfilled?

I meditated and began journaling daily on these questions daily for months. I still have a list of questions I use daily in my spiritual practice.  I am clear the universe is a field of infinite possibilities.  My job is to choose what is best for me and will feed my soul’s desire.

Where is your attention?

I know there are many people upset about how things are moving on the planet. I get it. Whether we are aware or not, we are all connected. When one hurts or suffers, we all do.  Every time a country, leader or organization does something out of integrity, we all feel it.  I want to say to us all.  There is no one to save us.  We are the ones we are waiting for. The more we bring passion, joy, harmony, and happiness to the planet, the more of a difference we make.

Where is your attention?  Are you looking at the glass half-full or half empty?  Every person who has created success dips into the well of possibility and dares to risk. They tap into their passion and focus on expanding in ways that may not seem logical.  They are clear any leap of faith requires faith and tenacity.

You are here for a reason. You are encoded with wisdom and powerful gifts no one else can deliver.  Your only job is to put your full attention on what you love.

Please know I stand with you.  We are powerful together, and I am excited to see the incredible ways you show up as love.


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