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GratefulI am sitting in a hotel in Phoenix, Arizona, at the Celebrate Your Life conference. I have the honor of being here to facilitate two workshops and to participate with a number of speakers and teachers who have inspired me over the years. As I sit here, I am bathed in a sea of gratitude for the amazing life that I am privileged to live.

I have long dreamed of making a difference in this world by offering my gifts and talents. I am sharing this with you because I want you to know that this has not been an “overnight” manifestation. The desire arose within me many years ago and I was astounded at the vision. In my meditations, I saw myself speaking in front of thousands of people. I saw myself writing books and facilitating workshops in foreign countries. It made no sense at the time because I was living a completely different life.

My mind went to work: “How can I do that?” “What is the right path?” “Do I have the tools?” “Am I making this up?” “It seems impossible to attain.” Then, I had the great fortune of hearing a speaker say, “If you just surrender to the vision and trust that you will be guided … the path will be made clear easily and effortlessly.”

Something in me resonated with that statement and I decided to take it into my meditations and journaling for the next few months. What came forward was that I did not have to know how. I kept hearing that my destiny was assured and that I was to give thanks for the life I had now and express my desire to be available and to serve. Once I began to trust my inner guidance, miracles began to unfold. Invitations from amazing sources began to come forward and the vision began to be a reality.

I do not know where you are today, but I want to encourage you to trust the calling in your heart. There is something within you that wants to express and I believe there is a delivery system for every calling. Activate your willingness to be of service and share your gifts. Declare that struggle is no longer an aspect of your life and then give thanks for every part of your current reality. Give thanks for the gifts, the challenges, the insights, the revelations and every opportunity. Then, step back and EXPECT your life to change and manifest greatness. You do not have to know how things will shift, but stand in that place of expectancy and gratitude. The universe will respond.

Please affirm with me: Today, I give thanks and claim my most amazing life. I am ready to live fully and joyously.

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