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Gratitude in Little Bites

by Nov 20, 2019Inspiration, Personal Growth

As we move through November and head towards Thanksgiving, I thought it would be great to share my thoughts on gratitude and the power it has to change every experience into a possibility.

I consider myself to be a miraculous unfolding. As I reflect on my life today, I stand in awe of the incredible experiences I have had and continue to have. I have shared more than once if the past dictated the future, my life would look very different. Abuse, trauma, poverty, and limited viewpoints, most often, do not point to successful living.

The one thing my childhood had going for it was a grandmother who refused to let life get her down. She told me many times I was born to be great. She always reminded me all I had to do was be grateful for the gift of life God gave me. She also took me to places where I could see possibilities. Once, we visited a “tea leaf” reader and she told me the following:

  • I would be a world traveler and could see below the surface of things
  • a theatrical performance starring black actors (Purlie Victorious starring Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis)
  • A healing experience with a woman named Katherine Kuhlman (an evangelist healer) in a room filled with thousands of people.

I didn’t know how compelling those experiences were then, but today gratitude floods my soul as I realize how I was gifted.

Many years ago, when I was embroiled in a challenging divorce, my career seemed to be tanking, and there was no clear direction. I felt defeated and hopeless. I cried often, and it was hard to get out of bed. My faith seemed to be shattered. The only thing keeping me afloat was my dedication to my children. At the time, I had a spiritual counselor, and he asked me to look at gratitude as a healing modality. At first, I couldn’t see anything to hold in gratitude. Then he said, “Try doing it in little bites. Meaning, look for the littlest things and see if it grows.” I was skeptical but decided to try it. Anything was better than how I was feeling.

I started each morning; giving thanks I woke up. I gave thanks; I could see. I gave thanks; my children were healthy and safe. I gave thanks; at this moment, I had the resources to take care of the family. I did this every day for weeks.

One morning, I woke up without the pain. I could actually see the possibility of a new life. I felt so great, I thought, “What else can I be thankful for?” A flood of things rushed into my mind. It was so spectacular, I had to write them down. I more I saw, the more came. I was so humbled. I had so many blessings in my life. This moment of deep and abiding gratitude opened portals of transformation I didn’t know existed.

Today, gratitude is a huge part of my life. I still start my day with it, and at night, my husband and I have a gratitude ritual.

Wherever you are today, there is something to give thanks for in your life. Here are a few things to jumpstart your “little bites” of gratitude.

Gratitude in Small Bites

A Process of Gratitude 

  1. The moment you wake up, give thanks for something. (I can see, I can breathe, and I have a home).
  2. Get a journal and write five new things you can honor. Do this every day.
  3. Send a note of gratitude to family or friends who stand with you and support you.
  4. Write a letter or card of appreciation to someone and mail it.
  5. Put love notes around your house and office, reminding you of the blessings which flow as YOU.
  6. Every night give thanks for the day.
  7. End each day (with your spouse or partner if you have one) honoring who they are and the gifts they bring to your life.
  8. Create a vision map with pictures and words of things which bless you in your life so far.

My Gratitude for You

I want you to know you matter in my life. So here are things which inspire me about you. I am grateful you:

  • Continue to seek ways to grow and heal
  • Bring your heart and love to so many people
  • Walk this path of freedom exploration with me
  • Fall down and get back up
  • Dare to dream
  • Move into action, even when you are afraid
  • Are learning to love yourself more each day

Whatever you do this Thanksgiving, my sincere desire is you remember how powerful you are and what a difference you make on this planet. Give thanks in little bites, and you will begin to see the miraculous life you live.

REMEMBER: You are important! You matter! Sending much love and many continued blessings.

Love and Light,


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