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How Do You Let YOUR Light Shine?

by Discovering Your Purpose, Personal Growth

How Do You Let YOUR Light Shine?

Many motivational speakers, healers and teachers are inviting people to shine the light of their being. It sounds great but I cannot tell you how many of my clients and friends are in the question……HOW!?

This Little Light of Mine” is a gospel song that came to be an anthem of the civil rights movement in the 1950’s and 60’s. Often mistakenly believed to have been sung on plantations during slavery, it was originally written by Harry Dixon Loes around 1920 as a children’s song. The lyrics are simple:

This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

The inquiry into “how”, is the topic of the newsletter/blog. I spent a great deal of my life in search of my true self. I wanted to know how to shine my light, find my voice or stand in my power. It was really challenging. I had so much evidence that I was not safe. I had so much evidence that I didn’t matter. I had so much evidence that I could and would be hurt or punished if I was too loud or too visible.

I’m clear that my own inner journey led me to do the work I do today. It led me to my passion of supporting people in awakening to their inherent divine nature. Along the way, I garnered many tools and skills that supported me in my own emergence. It is my deep desire that what I share here will support you in uncovering and exhibiting your beautiful light within.

India Irie, wrote a song called “I Am Light”. That song mirrored what science is telling us today. We are light.

The Science of Vision and Light tells us that light is a type of radiant energy that we are able to visually perceive with our eyes. … Visible light is a small part of a large part of what is called the Electromagnetic Spectrum, which contains all of the energy types that travel through space in a wave-like manner.

Quantum Physics tells us that everything is in a field of “infinite possibilities”. It is the substance of which we are made. Light fills every possibility.

Quantum theory tells us that both light and matter consist of tiny particles which have wavelike properties associated with them. Light is composed of particles called photons, and matter is composed of particles called electrons, protons, neutrons. All of this lives in the quantum field and we are manifestations of that field. In other words, we are light.

If that is true, then our calling is to remember that we are, within ourselves, a field of infinite possibilities and have the opportunity in any given moment to shine and to thrive. So, what does that look like?

It is not just your painful past. It is not just the unconscious choices you have made. It does not look only like the discrimination you have experienced.

It looks like you’re choosing, in every moment, to be present to what is happening. It looks like being willing to take ownership for your actions and reactions. It looks like a willingness to open your heart, your mind, and your eyes to anything that does not support your health and well-being. It looks like making conscious contributions to the health and well-being of yourself and humanity.



A while ago I created a gift entitled “The 5 “T’S”: Principles for Successful Living (you can get it here).

One of the principles is TRUST. Before you can shine your light a deep trust in the universe and the self must be present. Using these 10 steps could be a change maker in becoming visible and expansive. So, here is the question:

Can you trust yourself? You have within you everything that you could possibly ever need to be happy and successful. These are tools to assist you in remembering who you are building trust.


  1. Decision-making is easier when you are honoring your intuition and inner knowing.
  2. Learning about your connection to the universe and how it has always supported you elevates trust.
  3. Assessing the familiarity of the old paradigms and disconnected energy running your life will support you in making different choices.
  4. Remember that there is no rescuer outside of you.
  5. If any experience does not fit, just say no.
  6. We are not here to struggle. We are here by appointment and everyone is essential.
  7. Bringing your best self invites in powerful people and experiences.
  8. Deepening your spiritual practice when you are in chaos or challenge will create shift.
  9. You are an original imprint – everything you do to heal is necessary.
  10. Activating curiosity supports expansion.

WARNING SIGNALS: You are out of balance.

WARNING SIGNALS: You are out of balance.

We all can move out of our center and feel stuck or out of balance. These “red flags” open the doors to resistance and the creation of non-supportive patterns returning or being born. You cannot shine your light if you are out of sync with yourself or the universe. In fact, you dim your light when you are out of touch with your magnificence. Here are the signs:

  • Food cravings escalate
  • Not sleeping well
  • Loneliness accelerates
  • Numbing yourself out (drink, food, drugs, technology, binge watching television)
  • Desperate moves to make yourself feel better
  • Desire to rescue others
  • Internal and external anxiety you want to ignore
  • Taking risks that you know might not be supportive
  • Fantasizing about relationships
  • Obsessing over the past
  • Avoiding what you know makes you feel better, like exercise, rest, social interaction (even on zoom), hobbies, etc.

I leave you with the lyrics of I AM Light from India Arie:

I am light – I am light
I am light – I am light
I am light – I am light
I am light – I am light

I am not the things my family did
I am not the voices in my head
I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside
I am light

I’m not the mistakes that I have made
Or any of the things that caused me pain
I am not the pieces of the dream I left behind
I am light

I am not the color of my eyes
I am not the skin on the outside
I am not my age
I am not my race – my soul inside is all light

All light – I am light

I am divinity defined
I am the god on the inside
I am a star
A piece of it all
I am light

Please take these words with you through the rest of the month. YOU are light. YOU are love. YOU are power made manifest. Put your attention on these truths and let your light shine. WE NEED YOU!

Much love and light,


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