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Igniting Passion and Vision

by Transformation

Inspiring Passion and VisionI am very clear that passion is the foundation for fulfillment of purpose. When the energy of passion is present there is expansion and some level of excitement. Vision is always pulling us. Passion and vision together propel us into a purposeful life.

I love Lynne Twist and what she represents in the world. In her book, ‘The Soul of Money’ Lynne speaks of going into a desert community that is about to die out because of lack of water. She is passionate about indigenous people and supporting them on the planet. Lynne shares that when she arrived in this community, she entered in a circle with the men. The women sat on the outside, but then, asked to speak and shared that they had dreams and visions of an underground lake.

Lynne caught the vision and passion of the women to support their communities and they convinced the men to let them dig for water. Not only did they find it, but it opened the field for several nearby villages to connect and build a flourishing community. These women were passionate about caring for their people and it opened, within them, the ability to hear a powerful message.

The passion that lives within you is a signpost to guide you into higher living. There are so many people on this planet “just getting by.” That kind of living, I believe, creates disease and overwhelmed people. We are not meant to just exist. We are meant to fly, create, dance and live out loud.

Are you listening to your passion? Are you opening to the high vision of your life? Are you unwavering in your exploration of passionate expression?


  • Make a commitment to do one thing that you are passionate about, not to gain anything, but just to express it.
  • Take time to contemplate your life and ask for the highest vision.
  • Write down the thoughts and images that you receive.
  • Journal on living your most passionate life and do not hold back. You do not have to know how. You are here to fulfill your purpose!

Affirmation: Today, I acknowledge my passion and joyously allow it to flow into my reality.

Reaching for the Stars via photopin (license)

Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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