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In All Things Give Thanks

by Personal Growth, Uncategorized

Give Thanks BlogI have been contemplating gratitude for the past few days. What came forward for me was that everything is a gift. When I look back on my life, I can see how every event, experience and person supported me in being the person that I am today.

I must say that I did not like all of these things and, in fact, I was downright annoyed at times. I often experienced anger, frustration or the feeling of being misunderstood. However, in retrospect, I grew from every incident. I would have preferred to have had this insight during the experience so that I could have moved with more grace. But then, I think that my inability to do so was also a part of the process.

I also became clear that oftentimes the experience was an answer to a prayer or universal request that I had made. I cannot tell you how many times I asked for clarity and when it came … it wasn’t what I wanted to hear or experience. In those moments, I was forced to look at myself and look at what I truly believed.

I had a meeting with someone recently who was sharing that he had taken on a whole new way of being accountable for his life. He was starting everything with gratitude and it was making life a lot easier. It was, in fact, creating a new level of relationships that he had never had before. That conversation made my heart smile.

I am wondering how you are doing. Are you able to really give thanks for your life … every bit of it? Are you able to see each experience as an opportunity for growth and expansion? Wouldn’t it be exciting if we could all look at life this way? We could then be in a space of personal accountability and have no need to blame anyone or anything. That thought excites me. How about you?

Please affirm with me: Today, I give thanks. Thanks for my life, past and present. Thanks for all lessons learned. I am clear that my life is a blessing.

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