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by Aug 8, 2022Inspiration, Personal Growth, Transformation


How do you shine?Well, this year is moving so fast. It is hard to believe that we are already in August. As I was contemplating what I wanted to share with you this month, last Thursday was powerful. Jean Hendry and I host The “Courage To Change” calls for women the first Thursday of the month. This month we are exploring The Courage To Shine Your Light. That seems appropriate for me because I am in the process of being more visible than I ever have.

I am accepting speaking engagements, doing mini concerts, singing, and speaking at spiritual communities and coaching leaders and small teams. I feel on purpose and in my zone of genius.  

Gay Hendricks in his book, The Big Leap, talks about the zone of genius this way: 

In this zone, you capitalize on your natural abilities which are innate, rather than learned. This is the state in which you get into “flow,” find ceaseless inspiration, and seem to not only come up with work that is distinguished and unique, but also do so in a way that excels far and beyond what anyone else is doing.

What if you were clear that activating the courage to shine, step up and step out was what is needed for you to be in your zone of genius and boldly stepping into your full expression?  

I am excited to share my current journey with you and give some tips that might amplify your inner light and allow you to shine.

Leaping Into The Unknown

Leaping into the unknown.In 2020, I had no idea that I would be writing a book or recording a new CD. I was in a state of having no clue how I was going to move forward. Covid had shut my office down and my clients were gradually moving to virtual sessions.

I was at home and so meditation, journaling, walking, and reflection took up most of my time. I began to ask the universe for guidance. It was during that time; I began to get messages in my dreams and meditations to pick up the book and begin writing. I hadn’t touched it for two years. I resisted. The book had already been rejected by a major publisher and insecurity about my idea for the book and it being viable haunted me. The book is called, Does My Voice Matter? That was the question that nagged me day and night. It was so relentless that I had to start writing. I do have natural abilities to tell stories and I certainly know my story. So, that is where I began. Once I surrendered, the book began to flow. The book proposal was already there, and I just followed the outline.  

A friend of mine was signed with a hybrid publisher, She Writes Press, and introduced me to the founder, Brooke Warner. Brooke had come from the publishing world in New York and was very savvy. She read my proposal and offered to green light my book for the fall of 2022. It was May 2021. I felt inspired and so I said yes.

I have written four other books, but this felt different. This was my life, my journey, and my learnings. I felt vulnerable. So, I asked 5 friends from different backgrounds to be support for the book. I would write a chapter and then send it to them. Then, we would meet the next week and I asked for complete honesty. Did they understand what I was saying? Did it inspire them? Were there things that needed clarification? This team was incredible. It was a cathartic experience.

Allowing The Universe To “Sing” Me

Allowing The Universe To “Sing” Me - Photo of Cynthia James in the recording studio.

During the summer of 2021 I was introduced to the Brothers Koren. Their mission is to support people in finding their voices. The synchronicity was not lost on me. I had not recorded in eight years and had no thought about doing a new album. However, when we met something opened in me and I agreed to do a nine-month process of creating new music. 

What happened was amazing. A uniqueness of songwriting and singing emerged. I was in awe and so were the brothers. We were creating magic. The new album, Chosen, came out the beginning of this month and I couldn’t be prouder. Every song reflected my surrender to being the authentic, unapologetic me.

Ideas To Reveal Your Zone Of Genius - Photo of a woman holding a light bulb sign.

Ideas To Reveal Your Zone Of Genius

1. PAUSE AND REFLECT– you don’t need a pandemic to let go and become still. A pause can invite you to move inside and listen to your heart and inner guidance. Magic lives within you.

2. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR INNATE GIFTS – everyone of us has unique talents, ways of expressing and sharing ourselves. Ways that no one else can do the way we do. So, why not write down your gifts as a practice of honoring you.

3. BEING LIT UP – start doing something that lights you up. Write, dance, sing, play music, paint, hike, read. It is during these moments that inspiration emerges.

4. ASK THE UNIVERSE – tell the universe what you want and ask for support. Share your willingness and readiness to expand. Then, step back and listen with your heart. This is a great time to journal what comes in. It does not have to make sense or feel rational. The universe does not operate in a linear fashion.

5. CELEBRATE – notice all the ways the universe is honoring you. It could be unexpected invitations, unexpected encounters with someone that can help you manifest your dreams, unexpected ideas that flood your awareness, or unexpected re-connects with someone from your past that really gets you and wants to support your vision.

Whatever is happening in your life, now is the time to shine, to grow, to leap and expand. The world needs your gifts more than ever. I am excited to be on this journey with you. Explore my website to see the wonder-filled things occurring in my life.

Much love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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