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by Jun 6, 2022Inspiration, Personal Growth, Self mastery


You Have a Beautiful SoulOver the years, I have supported so many people to uncover and claim their self-worth.  My clients, like myself, have experienced people and circumstances that felt disenfranchising, hurtful, and painful.  Many of us were told that we were not enough, important, or valuable.  It is so difficult when people you love, or respect don’t honor you.  The response to that treatment can be traumatic and long-lasting. 

We are living in a time in history where people are questioning their safety, their identities, and their place in society.  I have had so many calls lately from parents wanting support for their teen children, terrified to acknowledge that they are LGBTQ expressions on this planet.  They are depressed, afraid, and doing things that do not support their health and well-being.

I am here to tell you that you/we/they are enough, have always been enough, and will always be enough. I don’t say this lightly.  It has taken me years to stand in my power, claim my voice, and dare to unapologetically “BE ME.”

This entire newsletter is dedicated to my community as a reminder that we all matter.  My new single, “Just Being Me” was just released and is a musical representation of how I feel about myself and all people. We are all here to shine.  Later, I will share the words of the song with you.

There are three things I want to share with you in hopes that these words might support you in honoring your amazing presence on this planet.


I begin this section celebrating my LGBTQ brothers and sisters.  This is pride month and 30 days is not enough to tell you how incredible you are.  I believe you came to this planet to remind us that love is the foundation of all life. It is infused in our DNA.  No matter what we look like, who we love or how we want to express. The truth is that we are all seekers of love expressing. We all want to be loved, seen, heard, respected, and nurtured.  

No matter how you identify, it is perfect.  You are a space of divine expression and creativity.  I want you to know that I, and many others, cherish you and your presence in this world. Any experience you have to the contrary has nothing to do with you.  There are people and organizations that cannot see beyond limited thought forms of division.

I imagine a world where love is the constant.  Love fills our thoughts, words, deeds, and behaviors.  My deepest desire is that humanity awaken and become immersed in the energy of unconditional love for all.  We can have different opinions, lifestyles, political views, and still hold the light of love in our hearts.



Conduits of the DivineYou are an original imprint.  The only way to thrive is to be the best you possible.  Your gifts, brilliance, creative spirit, and inner wisdom is here now, in this present moment, because it is necessary.

I have thought a lot about this.  No singer sings a song the same way.  No painter paints an object the same way. No architect designs the same as another architect.  No dancer moves through choreography in the same way another dancer interprets the movement.

For me, that is because, we are vessels through which the universe must express.  Our individualized expression/body temple is a conduit, a channel, designed to transmit energy and frequency.  We get to choose how we want to use that power. We can use it for good or for wrongdoing.  

There are constant reminders from the universe that there is a field of infinite possibilities we can access to bring forth the extraordinary essence and gifts that live within us.

My question for you is, “what is stopping you from playing full out?”  There is no person, circumstance, pain, or experience that can dim your light.  In any moment, you can decide to step up and bring your divine nature to the table.  

I believe, if we all understood how powerful we truly are the need for division, violence, misinformation, and power grabs would diminish.  If we remembered who we are, the energies anchoring separation would have nothing to hold humanity hostage to old patterns of painful behaviors. We would experience freedom beyond words.


Just Being Me - Cynthia James' new single

It has taken me decades to claim my voice and stand in my power.  I have walked through many fires trying to navigate cultural, racial and organizational divides. I have believed unkind judgements of me, judged myself and doubted my gifts.  I have hidden and withheld my power to be loved. I am here to tell you that if I can heal, anyone can.  We all have the capacity to shine the light of our divinity in any given moment.

Here are the words to Just Being Me.  The song doesn’t just apply to me.  I believe we are all born winners, here to bring love and light to this planet.  If you like the lyrics, you can order the song here:

No matter what the circumstance
No matter what the pain
I am here to live a life of love
I’ve got everything to gain

I was born be a winner
I was born to be free
I was born to be the answer
By really being me

So, no matter how the pain arrives
No matter how I feel
Inside of me there is a light
To guide the path to heal

I was born be a winner
I was born to be free
I was born with the answer
Of really being me

BRIDGE; Now I’m living in the space of a joyful dance
I do not see an end
I’m moving through this life with a smile on my face
I have no more need to pretend

No matter what relationship
pushed me to the wall
No matter what relationship
I have an inner call

I was born be a winner
I was born to be free
I was born with the answer
Of really being me

Stay strong beloveds. You are a sensational being here to do great things.

Much love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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