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Love Yourself this Valentine’s Day

by Personal Growth


As we move toward Valentine’s Day, we oftentimes think about how love is manifesting in our lives or not showing up at all. Many of us fixate on having someone to remind us that we are important or valuable. Wouldn’t it be great if we could all remember that we are valuable because we exist? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be in such a state of love within ourselves that we radiated light in every situation?

As I contemplate love this month, I focus on revealing a loving heart. I recognize a hunger in my soul, which gently guides me to become what I say that I want. I am called to live my life as a beacon for oneness and peace. I feel that now is a time for choosing. Now is the time to look at what we decide to give the world. Is it judgment and suffering? Or, is it compassion and acceptance? A twelve-year-old named Mia Burnett wrote a “peace prayer” for an event honoring the Season For Peace and Non-Violence (a grass roots program honoring the 64 days between the respective deaths of Martin Luther King and Mahatmas K. Ghandi). She said, “It is us, and only us, that must awaken this peace. We cannot wait around for a hero to do this for us. It is a leap of faith and a blessing to realize that all is in Spirit’s hands, as we do our part to keep peace, love and hope thriving”. As she read her prayer, I was instantly and deeply moved into my heart, and a thought came to me: If we could be in the place of loving heart, we would leave a legacy that would reveal that we were a people dedicated to expressing harmony, commitment, acceptance and joy. We were a people dedicated to living love.

As you go forward this month, I invite you to reflect on your choices. I invite you to activate within you a commitment to give and receive love in every moment. Make it your intention to “be the change you want to see in the world.” Activate this commitment in your heart and watch your world change in miraculous ways.

Take a moment to remember this:

Today, I am the embodiment of a loving heart. I choose to leave a living legacy of peace and an awakened soul.

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