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Peaceful End-of-Year Experience

by Emotional Healing, Personal Growth

Positive End of Year ExperienceThis time of year, many people are working to complete tasks at work and at home so that they can enjoy the holidays. Others are in places of great pain as they move through times of loss and grieving. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, but what if this year we decided to do it differently? What if we decided to set an intention for this month to actively experience everything through a “peaceful mind?” Just the thought of it allows me to breathe and move to center.

Take some time to look at your calendar and your current state of mind. What does the month look like in terms of activity? What are you feeling as you move into the month? Please, don’t disregard any feeling. Everything is valid.

Let’s create a plan that will support you moving through this month with ease and grace:

  • Is there any event or appointment that you can let go? Make a list of what you are willing to release.
  • In spite of how you are feeling in this moment, how do you WANT to experience this month? Write it down.
    In an ideal world, what experience would you be having this month? Write it down.
  • Now, take some time to get still and visualize you having a month that is peaceful and fulfilling. What is happening? Who is there? What activities make your smile?
  • Now, please write an affirmation for the month. Call it “my intention for December”. For example: I am committed to a peaceful and joyous month. I actively call it in as an experience of ease and grace. Put this on a card and read it everyday, especially when you feel challenged.

It is not always easy to be unruffled and tranquil when we are busy working, making plans for holiday dinners or travel, buying gifts, wrapping gifts, worrying that we don’t have enough money to do what we want to do. I ask us to stop and look at the activities I just listed. These are all DOING things. They have nothing to do with BEING and SHARING the gift of who we are with our loved ones and ourselves. I realize that we are all programmed to be in the “holiday spirit” by doing all of these things. But does that really support our serenity? There is an incredible opportunity for you to model loving and peaceful existence just by being present as “serenity made manifest.” You are the greatest gift you can give. You are the one that people want to see and experience.

Affirmation: I open to a grand intention for peace of mind. I open to letting go of anything that might not support that peace of mind.

AlicePopkorn via photopin cc

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