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Radical Self CareThere are times in our lives when we are unusually busy; and, for some people this is a lifestyle. The holiday season is especially a time when we can lose our sense of self care. There are family events, business affairs, community responsibilities, and sometimes feelings of being alone and even separate. Let us address, what I like to call, Radical Self Care.

Radical self care is an interesting concept because when you have been a caretaker and have placed other needs beyond your own, there appears to be no other option. The first reaction to thinking about radical self care is the fear that people are going to be upset or annoyed. There will be some sort of resistance because you have always been the one to handle things. And you are probably right. You will be asking people to adapt to a new way of operating with you. They will not understand and they will use creative methods to bring you back to the caretaker role.

Here is the good news. I have discovered over the last several years that the more I take care of myself, the more time and compassion is available for others. My interaction with other people and the interaction with my career are from a healthy standpoint rather than from a need; a need to be validated, a need to be in control, a need to feel important, or a need to be loved.

You have the opportunity to learn how to take care of yourself NOW. Discover what nurtures you. For me, it’s hot baths with candles, walks, meditation, and reading great books that feed my soul. It is turning on music and dancing around the house. It makes me feel joyous and alive.


  • No matter what happens, make yourself the priority.
  • Calendar in time to rest and rejuvenate.
  • NO is a complete sentence and you can decline offers with love and compassion.

I believe that you can feel peaceful and fully supported. Take care of yourself, you are worth it!


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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