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Renewing Intuition

by Intention, Transformation

Renewing IntuitionIntuition is about knowing without a rational explanation. We all have it. It is installed in our DNA. We are connected.  What stops us from trusting our intuition is life experiences.  Experiences occur and shake us to the core and we somehow think it is because we are not connected.  We then start second guessing ourselves and make up a story that we are confused.  I want to remind you that you are never confused. You have moved into a state of “trying to figure things out” instead of tapping into your intuitive knowing.

I will demonstrate.  Think of a time when someone was in your life and they wanted you to do something that did not make you feel comfortable.  You wanted to say no but you did not want to hurt their feelings. You pondered it but it still did not feel good to do it.  You said yes, meaning you denied your intuitive hit.  It turned out badly and you were upset.  Now, let us go back to the beginning.  Your first thought was NO.  Then, you started wanting to take care of the other person.  That NEVER works.  When you start going against what you know to be true, you set yourself up for pain and struggle.


  • Whenever someone asks you to do something and you feel uncomfortable, say “can I think about that and get back to you?”
  • If they do not want to wait, let them know that you cannot commit to that right now.  If they are willing to wait, take some time and meditate on it, pray on it and ask “will this serve me”?  If the answer is no or you continue to feel uncomfortable do not do it.
  • Practice this with large and small things.  It takes practice to become in tune, but once you do there will be a flow in your life that will be undeniable.


Affirmation: By simply listening to my inner voice and honoring what is asked of me, perfection and Divine action unfolds for myself and others.

photo credit: h.koppdelaney via photopin cc

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