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Somethings Call You: Time to Harvest Your Gifts

by Oct 12, 2022Discovering Your Purpose, Inspiration, Personal Growth

Somethings Call You: Time to Harvest Your Gifts

Historically, fall is a time of harvest.  The seeds have been planted and tended to with care.  The garden has grown and then the plants are harvested, cooked, or canned to support the upcoming season.  I believe we are the same.  We plant seeds of intention, desire, or dreams. Then, if we are conscious, we do the work to nurture those visions so that we can transform our lives.

The interesting thing is that often people stop or get stuck before the harvest.  Life takes a challenging turn, distractions of all kinds flood in, and old non supportive behaviors re-emerge.  I know that personally and have been in that position many times.  It has taken me many years and life experiences to step into a place of respecting and honoring who I am and who I have come here to be.

I believe this life journey is why I do the work that I do today.  I am committed to using my gifts to empower others to do the same.  For me, that is the recipe for creating a world that works for everyone.  

My friend, singer/songwriter Jami Lula has a song entitled, “Somethings Calling You.”  In essence the lyrics invite us to take a deeper dive into life than we have ever done.  For me, that invitation is a portal to transformation, healing, and transcendence.  

So, this month I want to talk to you about harvesting your gifts, your wisdom, and your purpose.  What if there is nothing standing in the way of your fulfilling your destiny in extraordinary and powerful ways?  

The Women of Uganda

The Women of Uganda

I have had the honor of going to Uganda five different times.  Four of those times, I was co-facilitating a woman’s leadership retreat for the Global Livingston Institute.  This fall we partnered with the African Development Promise organization led by Monica LaBiche Brown.  This experience was especially impactful.  

Twenty-Seven women gathered and came with powerful intentions.  I was in awe of their immediate engagement in the processes, the vulnerable sharing, and opportunities to set powerful goals.  We created mastermind groups where women could self-select three areas of intentional growth.  We looked at:

  • Education
  • Business Development
  • Community Leadership
  • Family and Relationships
  • Finances and Fundraising
  • Gender Equality

At the end, each woman walked away with a clear plan on how to proceed.  Here is what is interesting. All women spoke about wanting to change the opportunities and support for women in Africa. They want to be change agents in a culture that does not historically honor the feminine. They want to uplift and nurture women to become self-sufficient, educated, abundant and successful.  The interesting thing is that they weren’t invested in how this occurred. They just want women to have a voice and a seat at the table of leadership and governance. 

My heart was blown open as each woman declared to bring her gifts, talents, and education to create a world where women are seen, heard and respected. 

In other words, they are dedicated to harvesting their gifts with intention.

Healers From Around the World

Healers From Around the World

During the pandemic, I entered a school for healers supported by the community of Damanhur in Italy.  Over the years, people have told me that I was a healer, and I resisted that title.  However, I was intrigued to discover the curriculum for this school.  A great deal of attention was focused on energy transmission with clients.  Since I do mind/body work I was interested to see if their teachings could support my time with clients.  That turned out to be a tremendous gift.

People from around the world joined the class and we had instructors that focused on Prana healing, spiritual physics, the power of movement and sound healing (something very dear to my heart), and ancient instruments of healing. 

I had no idea what I was going to do with this information, but my intuition was telling me this was a calling.  That turned out to be an understatement. I got to be with extraordinary people dedicated to using their gifts as transformational instruments of healing.  I learned as much from my classmates as I did from the teachers. 

We gathered in person in September to complete classes and present our “thesis” on what we have learned and how we will use that knowledge going forward.  I did mine on the “inner personality” processes learned here and how it compliments my emotional integration work with clients.  I was proud of the presentation, but I was just as excited about my fellow students and how they use different techniques to transform themselves and others. 

My book launched while I was in Italy, so I asked the healers to bless my book and put their healing energy into my intention to touch the hearts and souls of the masses. 

Inner Calling TipsInner Calling Tips

There are tools to support you answering a call and amplifying your gifts.  Here are a few: 

  1. Listen to those little nudges, visions, and dreams that seem random.  Callings come in various ways and the still small voice really is “still and small.”
  2. Set strong intentions.  Then, activate the witness/observer within you.  Pay attention to how your intentions are being supported. Often, they come in surprising and unexpected ways.
  3. Uplevel your spiritual practice.  Taking a deeper dive means consciously putting your attention on becoming still. That could be meditation, yoga, journaling, swimming, or connecting with nature.  There is no one way to connect to your inner knowing.
  4. Connect with like-minded people.  The higher the frequency of communities the more accelerated individual and group growth becomes.
  5. Write down your gifts and talents. Then, make sure you are doing something daily to nurture at least one of them.  It’s like planting seeds and nurturing them.
  6. Get support. Every coach I know has a coach.  If you try to do things alone, you will create from where you are in the moment.  It will be easy to stay comfortable and maybe even stuck.  A great coach, therapist or counselor will invite you to stretch.

I am 100%  committed to bringing my full authentic self to this planet.  Join me.  Imagine a world where people lived fully expressed and joyous.  We would experience heaven on earth.

If you need support, go to (there are resources and/or you can sign up for a complimentary discovery session to see if working with me is an option for you.  You can also get my new book on Amazon (

Much love and light,



Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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