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Start Fresh 2015We all have an opportunity to begin this year with strong and clear focus. I am aware that every New Year people create resolutions. They are nice, but often, we are not totally committed and so the resolutions fall by the wayside within a very short period of time. Gym registrations soar in January and by March, people are starting to give themselves excuses not to keep going. People also look at weight issues during this time. Weight Watchers enrollment goes up and again, people stop honoring their commitments within weeks.

Instead of making a list of resolutions, let’s open to moving into mastery in one area of our lives. Let’s look at an area that has been a constant challenge (smoking, drinking, lack of commitment, unconscious relationships). It doesn’t matter what it is. What is important is that you look honestly at a pattern that no longer serves you and make a commitment to absolutely shift it into a place of higher consciousness and more success.

It is important to be really aware during a process like this. That means that we must activate our “inner witness” and become totally honest with ourselves. You cannot completely start fresh without clarity around the areas in which you’ve been stuck. To become a Conscious Witness means that you will move from a place of judgment into a place of deep personal exploration of a habitual way of being that has thwarted you in any area. This is NOT about activating your Inner Critic, whose job is to beat you up. Instead, it is really about saying yes to your life and releasing any unwanted behaviors.

Become aware that the language of the Critic and the Conscious Witness are very different:

  • The Critic constantly focuses on what is wrong
  • The Witness invites you to gently investigate a pattern
  • The Critic belittles you
  • The Witness reminds you that this is not a big thing, just something that needs to shift

Notice the difference in the energy of these two ways of being. One is harsh, the other is loving.

We have an opportunity to call in what we want and claim it with great energy and passion. In order to claim your success, you must be willing to start each day with renewed excitement about the space you are creating for your destiny to unfold. Every time you decide to choose to put your attention on anchoring a shift in consciousness, you open another door for your success to come flooding in. Your success is completely up to you. If you look at people that you admire, I can bet that they have all, at some point, decided to be successful. They have decided to let nothing stand in their way and they put incredible amounts of energy toward their goals.

Changing habits is not always easy but please don’t give up. The critic will try to talk you out of it, but take a stand for you health and greatness. I see you as completely successful and soaring into your greatness.

wyncliffe via photopin cc

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