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The Portals of Change

by Transformation

Portals of ChangeIf you really think about your life, you will see that at every important juncture, you stepped through a portal and that portal marked a significant change. From elementary school to middle school, from high school to college, single life to married life, embracing parenthood, your first real job, or moving to another state – no matter what the change, your movement marked a shift. You stepped through a doorway into the unknown.

Sometimes stepping through this portal was easy and grace filled, other times it felt chaotic and challenging. What I would like you to contemplate is the fact that for each change, you chose your experience. Each time you decided whether it was good or bad, enlivening or constricting. The reality of an event cannot be denied. The perception of its effect is up to you.

Some women experience labor for many hours and call it horrible. Other women, who have miscarried many times, look at the same experience as a miraculous unfolding. Someone is hurt and confined to a wheelchair for life. He is angry and bitter. Another takes this experience and becomes a motivational speaker that inspires people to make lemonade out of lemons.

Your attitude is the conductor of the symphony of your life. Don’t you think it’s time to create the experience you want?

EXERCISE: Reflect back on an event that occurred in your life.

  • How did you choose to respond?
  • How are you still responding to that event? What is your perception and how does it affect your choices today?
  • I invite you to write about this event and allow it to teach you how you presently look at life and how you respond to changes. Please do not judge, simply witness.

Affirmation: Today, I am completely aware that I am the master of my own destiny.

Fall Aspen via photopin (license)

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