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The Power of Love

by Transformation

The Power of LoveThere is not a person on the planet that does not respond to love. Love is healing and transformative. Love is nurturing and comforting. Love is an energy that opens the heart and supports deepening in relationships.

I would like to invite you to explore how love expresses in your life beginning with love of self. I was once at a conference and Iyanla Vanzant gave this amazing presentation about her new love. She had everyone spellbound for several minutes, and then she announced that her new love was herself. She had discovered that she was the one she had been waiting for.

Do you know that about yourself? Are you clear about what makes you happy, what kind of life you deserve? Do you treat yourself as if you are the beloved that you have been waiting for? Do you honor yourself and treat yourself with respect?

A teacher once told me that I would never experience deep loving with a partner if I could not learn to love and appreciate myself.

EXERCISE: Take some time to really explore how you love yourself.

  • Write down the ways you honor yourself.
  • Write down the ways you do not honor yourself.
  • Choose which one will be your way of operating this week.

I hope that you will choose to honor yourself in every way imaginable. You are loveable and worthy of deep and abiding love.

Affirmation: Today, I actively begin to focus on loving and appreciating the beautiful person that I am.

Child’s Hands Holding White Rose for Peace Free Creative Commons via photopin (license)

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