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Hello from Italy,

I am here leading a pilgrimage for a group. I am a firm believer in Pilgrimage, which for me, is the opportunity to move away from our daily lives and to step into a deeper connection with self, our inner knowing, and our universal guidance. It is a way to gain clarity on purpose, next steps, and freedom.

I have been guiding groups, to sacred sites for the last eight years. We have walked the labyrinth in Chartres, France; visited Macho Picchu in Peru with a Shaman, and connected to the path of Mary Magdalene in the south of France. I am currently in Damanhur, a spiritual community nestled in the north of this beautiful country. They host the Temples of Humankind housed inside of a mountain. I have been bringing people to pilgrimage here for four years.

The world is changing rapidly, and the levels of stress people are managing continues to rise. Many of my clients are finding it more challenging to gain balance and clarity. In fact, they may feel exhausted and overwhelmed. I often invite them to do some form of Pilgrimage and share my experiences of transformation through this unique form of travel. I tell them this is not a vacation or a tourist excursion. It is a powerful experience of self-love, self-knowing, and self-empowerment.

Pilgrimage can open us to contemplate the more essential questions of life. It can support us in recognizing our presence on this planet and connect to the gifts we have to offer. It is a powerful opportunity to seek answers to questions that have kept me/us in cycles of struggle and discomfort. Pilgrimage is a sacred path to self.

When I began to lead pilgrimages, I believed it was to support others. What I realized is that I have learned more than I taught. I began to partner with teachers, healers, and shamans, and together we created magical adventures. My heart opened, new communities and familial groups were formed, and we bonded, healed together, and became nurturing circles of love and support. I can never describe the amount of laughter, heart-centered sharing, and joyous interactions.

Plus, I got to witness places within myself that needed to transform. My ability to be compassionate expanded. I got to let go of judgments of myself, loved ones, and people that journeyed with me. My heart opened, and I surrendered into love at a deeper level.

One of the things I do with people traveling with me is to create a space for powerful intentions, dreams, and desires to emerge. We get on at least one call and connect in the heart. We do a crucial visioning process and then share what has come forward. That allows us to stand with one another before we get on a plane. This is what is so cool. What gets established is a field of opportunity to create compelling and nurturing community. Some of the travelers in my groups remain friends for years after a trip.

Many years ago, a young woman in one of my classes walked up to me and declared that she was coming on a trip with me to walk the labyrinth in Chartres. Lauren Artress was our guide. She is one of the most renowned labyrinth experts in the world. I love one of her quotes. “We are not human beings on a spiritual path, but spiritual beings on a human path.” ― Lauren Artress

The young woman wasn’t sure how the trip was going to happen for her because she didn’t have the money to do it. However, she was very clear that she was called. So, we decided to stand together in prayer that this vision could manifest. A couple of months later, she walked up to me full of joy. She said, “not only am I going, but I’m pregnant, and we will walk the labyrinth together.” My heart flew open, and we both danced for joy.

Two weeks before the trip, she was told that her baby might have a challenge. For a moment, she became worried, but something in her knew that walking that labyrinth was a powerful tool for her and the baby. She proclaimed the baby inside of her was healthy and would thrive. She spent the entire week in Chartres focused on that intention. Lauren guided a mighty private walk in the Cathedral, and we all did prayers with the young woman for the health of her child. The feeling of returning home was one of peace for her and our group. Well, that baby was born healthy and is thriving today.

There are many stories like this one that reminds me of the power of faith and community.

What You Gain From A Pilgrimage 

  1. Time away from the normal habits and stressors of your life
  2. Time to reflect and establish a deeper connection to your intuition
  3. Time to gain clarity on decisions that may seem murky
  4. Time to meet and commune with like-minded people
  5. Time to connect to sacred traditions and rituals from other cultures

A Place To Start

If you have thought about a pilgrimage, I will invite you to move into action. Here are a few ways that could look:

  1. Start with a weekend retreat alone to rest, meditate, walk, and journal. It does not have to be an expensive place. Many places cater to personal retreats.
  2. Explore groups of like-minded people that travel to sacred places and join their chat rooms to see if they are a fit.
  3. Create a community of friends on the same path and plan a three or four-day getaway where you vision, journal, and mastermind.
  4. Look on my website and see when my next Pilgrimage is occurring and think about joining me.

I really invite you to think about a pilgrimage of some kind. The gifts you will receive are beyond what you can imagine.

“The purpose of a pilgrimage is about setting aside a long period of time in which the only focus is to be the matters of the soul. Many believe a pilgrimage is about going away, but it isn’t; it is about coming home. Those who choose to go on Pilgrimage have already ventured away from themselves and now set out in a longing to journey back to who they are. – L.M. Browning

Much love and light,


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