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The Time Is Now

Growing up I remember saying many times, “As soon as I……..I will…….”  I was always looking at the future from a fantasy that lived in my head.  Don’t get me wrong. I am a dreamer and I love dreamers.  The challenging part of my “as soon as I……” world view was that it was all dependent upon what I was going to accomplish or experience in the future.  It was about having enough money, being successful enough, and being powerful enough.  None it had anything to do with me manifesting a life of joy and freedom because it was my divine right in the present moment.

As I work with clients, many often say things like, “I really want to do that but………” or “that would make me so happy but………”  Those kinds of statements project out into the world that you cannot be happy or successful until some outside factor aligns with your vision or desire.

I get it.  There is no make wrong here.  However, I would like you to consider that last three years.  Many people left this planet unexpectedly.  Rare viruses and diseases cropped up around the world.  Mental health issues and suicidal ideation numbers grew in huge leaps.  Careers took drastic turns and left people wondering what was next.

I want to take this moment to invite you into a dialogue with me about the power of being in the now.  

I am at a stage in my life where I am clear that I want to take advantage of every day. I am intentional about being present and grateful for every moment in my life.  It wasn’t always that way.  My family of origin constantly talked about where they wanted to go or what they wanted to do.  What followed, immediately, were the reasons why they had to wait. It was always some insurmountable obstacle that needed their attention. Then, once that was handled, they would move in the direction of their dreams.  That never happened and I would watch and wonder when those days would come. The challenges were endless.

After many years of spiritual and therapeutic work, I began to understand that I don’t have to wait to have the life I want to live.  I cannot do everything at once, but I can create life experiences that feed my soul. By the way, you can too?

Struggle is not requiredStruggle is not required

Many people on the planet are boomers. I am one.  We came from a generation of people that had been at war and moved through a time of depression.  Lack was the norm and so was the belief in struggle.  That energy got passed down and infiltrated the consciousness of the next generations.  We not only believed in struggle we looked for it.  

Let me say that I cannot believe an abundant universe would set up humanity to suffer.  Yes, there are challenges in life, but we do not have live a life filled with drudgery.  We get to choose.  If I can step into a more powerful me, so can you.  It is all about changing your focus and putting your attention on what you desire as opposed to what you don’t want.

You are here to thrive, not suffer or struggle. Once you become clear about that truth you can begin to put your full attention on the gifts and talents that exist within you.  These wonderful energies make you unique and are essential.  Otherwise, you would not be here.

You are a co-creatorYou are a co-creator

We live in a creative universe.  There is beauty everywhere.  In nature, in the animal world, and in us.  We all have the ability to create and re-create many times over in a lifetime.  Think about how many times you have re-invented yourself. How many times you have picked yourself up when you fell, were disappointed or hurt.  Every single time you do something new, create a business, write a song, paint a painting, write something that expresses your true feelings, or step forward into the unknown…. you are telling the universe that you are ready to create anew.  This is how you do it.

  • You refuse to live in the past or design a future based on someone else’s desire
  • You refuse to live in a state of fear or drama
  • You face the truth about the behaviors you are ready to release
  • You begin to act as if you are already where you want to be
  • You get to understand that worry is another form of creation

This moment is all you have

When nothing is guaranteed, why would you waste one more minute waiting on something to happen that would bring you joy or peace?  Why not take one small step in the direction of the vision that lives within you?  Here are some tools:

  1. Staying connected to people that you love. You have no idea how long they will be on this planet.
  2. Give thanks in the moment you receive a gift honoring you (could be a call, invitation, email, a promotion or a text that makes you smile.)
  3. Look at your finances and how much money you spend on items you don’t need. How about refocusing, managing your money, and using the money you do have to do something that lights you up?
  4. Look at your life as a half full glass – What do you want to do with the resources you have now? (Online class, school, spa, trip, writing coach, counselor, housekeeper, etc).  Take a step. You deserve it.
  5. Give thanks for your body temple and how it supports you.
  6. Clear out any closets or drawers to create space for something new.  Remove anything that you have not used for 2 or more years.
  7. Write down an intention for a desire that lives in you.
  8. Write down one action you will take to fulfill that dream (book a class you have put off for 3 years, work on one chapter of a book you want to write, investigate a trip that is calling you, take a meditation or yoga class, look for that coach or counselor to assist you in forward movement.)

This moment is all you haveMy words for 2023 are Divine Expansion. Here are some of the things that I am doing to embrace the moments of my life.

  1. Be present and grateful for every interaction. That might be my husband, children, clients, dogs, or friends.  I am making sure they get my full attention.
  2. Honoring my goals and putting my full attention on manifesting them.  Not allowing distractions to hijack my focus.
  3. Putting me on the calendar every day to do spiritual practice, exercise and connect with my family and friends. Taking moments to really honor me. That means one thing at a time and not trying to multi-task.
  4. Book experiences and trips that feed my soul.
  5. Work on projects that honor my passions.

There are more but you get the drift.  I do not know how long I will be here, but I intend to drink from the cup of life excitement and joy.  Maybe you will join me.

Much love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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