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There’s a Winner in You

Many years ago, I was the opening act for Rich Little and Jay Leno at different Harrah’s resorts. When I was putting my act together, I wanted to make sure that the songs had messages and would uplift the audiences. We were in Casinos, but I have always been clear that people want to feel good and be inspired. One of the songs I chose was “There’s A Winner in You,” written by Nick Ashford and Valerie Simpson. It was recorded by Patti LaBelle.

I chose the song because it felt like it was multi-layered. It could have been sung to you by a friend or it could have been Spirit inviting you to grow. The latter meaning spoke to me. So many times, in my life the universe moved in to remind me that I was powerful, dynamic and mighty. I was reminded that there was no circumstance or situation that could deny who I have come here to be.

Every time I sang that song people applauded, cried and shared how deeply it touched their souls. The song actually prompted them to recognize that they had always been cared for and supported.

In this moment, the entire world is in a place where a reminder of how the universe is conspiring for us is necessary. It is so easy to listen to the news, read disturbing emails, and have conversations that activate fear. The real work is to stay clear and open to a reality of a universal expansion. There are powerful things happening and people are making extraordinary shifts. So, whatever is happening to you or around you….. I am here to tell you…beyond anything…there is a winner in you.

You Are Here For A Purpose!

You Are Here For A Purpose!Let’s explore how important it is that you are on the planet at this time. You are not here by accident. You are a unique imprint filled with knowledge, wisdom and gifts that no one else can deliver. You are a point in the universe that must be expressed.   This is what Martha Graham, acclaimed dancer, said:

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.”

Tips On Expressing Your Unique Nature

  1. Reveal and acknowledge what makes you different.
  2. Celebrate your different way of thinking and being.
  3. Review your life and see how many times your burdens have become your gifts.
  4. Remember to go against the grain and create your own path.
  5. Release the need to be what others want you to be.
  6. Never compare yourself to anyone else.
  7. Create your own style and own it.

Walking Out Of Quarantine With A New Perspective

Walking Out Of Quarantine With A New Perspective

You will not walk out of this current “world” reality the same. You get to choose the path that you will walk and how you will navigate a new experience. Robert Frost wrote a poem about The Road Less Traveled. The phrase the road less traveled means a moment of choice made in a life that is original, unexpected and different. It is a choice that leads one in a different direction than most people. What if this was your time to take a road less traveled? Here’s how:

  • Expect change and uncertainty. Do it anyway!
  • Prepare for the unexpected.
  • Honor your feelings and choose to love yourself.
  • Recognize that circumstances might knock you off your center, but you will recover.
  • Do something every day to nurture yourself and anchor your trust walk.
  • Claim and proclaim that you are unstoppable.
  • Connect with people that see you and acknowledge your gifts.

I want to leave you with the lyrics from the song. Imagine the universe whispering in your ear:

It’s only me, I’ve come to see you
And I know, what you’ve been through
I will be your friend, lean on me for now
Got to pull you back up, somehow

And I’ll, have no more of this, moping around
I’m tired of you, putting yourself down
‘Cos in spite of all, you’ve been through
I still believe, there’s a winner in you

Sometimes you can see it on the tip of your mind
But can’t focus at all times
Then the wind takes it to another
Before you discover

There’s a winner, there’s a hero
There’s a lover too, somewhere, there’s a winner in you

YOU are and have always been a WINNER. Every aspect of your being is unique and destined for greatness. I invite you to join me as we step into the “winning” nature that lives within us. Let’s boldly step out and bring our gifts to this planet. WE are the ones called here to create and deliver change!

In love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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