Treasure Every Moment

Most of us are clear that nothing is guaranteed and yet we become attached to people, places and things.  My words for 2023 are non-attachment and presence. 

Many years ago, I had the honor of being in the presence of Barbara Mandrell.  On September 11, 1984, Mandrell and her two children were involved in a head-on car collision near their Nashville home. The driver of the other car in the crash (19-year-old college student Mark White) was killed instantly.  It took her a long time to recover and then in 1997 she retired to spend more time with family.

I’m telling you this story because I had a powerful moment with her.  My friend introduced us, and Barbara smiled and said hello. I was acutely aware of her being totally present with me.  I told her I was glad to see her, and she said, “it is good to be seen.”  Our encounter was no more than a minute, but her presence stayed with me for quite a while.

Over the years, when I have felt disconnected or out of alignment, that connection would come to mind. I would remind myself that the way I was feeling had a lot to do with me not being present in every moment.

I really want to share with you the importance of being present and honoring every moment. Even the moments that challenge us have value. So, as I give my thoughts I invite you to reflect on how you are being with the life you are living.

Being seenIt is no secret that some families struggle with acceptance, honor, respect, and trust.  The current political situation in our country and the world does not help in this area.  People feel confused, rejected, hurt, and abandoned.  Righteous anger floods the mind, and many decide to disconnect for a time or indefinitely.

Recently, a family member of mine went through a challenging time.  It was not the first time, but it seemed larger than before. A lot was a stake.  After the crisis subsided, the person decided to “divorce” the family.  They declared they wanted no contact. Everyone was stunned. I remember feeling hurt and upset at how it was handled.  Then something, miraculous happened.  In a meditation, I heard, “treasure every moment.”  I didn’t know how it was connected to this experience, but I decided to journal.  

In my meditation and journaling, I noticed that my mind wanted to focus on the challenges from the past.  It felt painful.  Then, I became aware of all the good times with this person. All the times we had come together, laughed, hugged, and cried with joy.  My heart began to soften and on the page I wrote.  “This person has the right to have their own journey.  People are in my life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.  Treasure the moments you have had and trust that you both are traveling this life in the perfect way.”

I teach this to my clients, speaking and in my books. In that moment, I became aware that I was being asked to step into greater faith for me, my family, and this person.  So, I decided to pray daily for peace and harmony for all.  I decided to give thanks for all the good times and trust that everything would unfold the way it was supposed to.  It was not easy but eventually, I became calm and now when I think of them, I can authentically send love and light.


WHERE IS YOUR ATTENTION?Being present takes practice and an awareness of what is happening in the moment.  If you are in upset, you are either in the past or the future.  Both hijack the present moment and support negative self-talk. 

What if the present moment was the greatest gift?  What if it was an opportunity to give thanks and be totally present with what is.

People who maintain a more positive outlook on life deal better with stress, have stronger immunity, and a lower risk of premature death. 

The Mayo Clinic did research on positive thinking. They explored the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. What they discovered is the health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:

  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress and pain
  • Greater resistance to illnesses
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease and stroke
  • Reduced risk of death from cancer
  • Reduced risk of death from respiratory conditions
  • Reduced risk of death from infections
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

Looking at your self-talk and where you put your attention is a powerful spiritual practice.

Be Like The Dalai Lama

Dalai LamaIn 1999, my husband, Carl, was invited to India to photograph the Synthesis Dialogues hosted by the Dalai Lama. I was a new bride and was thrilled that I got to accompany him to the event. There were luminaries from many arenas.  The room was filled with brilliance committed to revealing peace.  

When the Dalai entered the space, I was struck by his calm and ability to be 100% present.  He listened intently, laughed when his inner child was awakened, and gave his full attention to every single person in front of him.  Carl commented that when he was taking photos of him his presence was rich and deep.

On our last day there, we were invited to the home of the Dalai Lama.  He did a beautiful blessing for peace and invited each person to come forward and receive a prayer shawl from him.  I was so excited.  When I got to him, he looked me in the eyes and bowed.  I felt like he could see right through me. He placed the shawl around my shoulders and his gaze never left me.  I thought, “I want to be that present in my life.”

I’m not there yet, but I am closer than I have ever been.  I am committed to being present to this life and every interaction.  

I am inviting you to do the same.  Can you treasure each moment as a gift of learning and growing? Can you honor every relationship past, present or future?  Can you consciously bring positive thoughts forward and bless the negative ones as you release them? Can you be present with everyone in front of you? Can you listen with your heart?

Please put your attention on being present this month. I will be doing the same. If you need support, my website and community can assist. 

Much love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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