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An Umbrella Revolution

by Personal Growth

umbrellasWhile in Croatia, my husband and I stumbled upon a street where beautiful umbrellas were hanging above us. It was artistic and inviting. It took no time at all for several of us to take pictures jumping in the air as if trying to reach the umbrellas. It felt free and exciting to just leap.

Recently, students in China have been in the streets protesting for democracy. They have stood in the face of tear gas, threats and outrage by the government. When the tear gas started, they put up umbrellas to protect themselves. Thus, the name “Umbrella Revolution” came into being. They say that they are committed to non-violence so they encourage each other to stay at peace. People bring food to make sure that they are nurtured. They are fighting for a fair election in 2017. Why so far out? They want to bring an awareness of how the current system works. At the moment, the government is only allowing people to run that are vetted and loyal to the communist regime. These young people want candidates with different and expansive ideology to be able to run for office and bring democracy to the country.

When a student was asked if they thought they could win. He replied that they had already won. The government might not be ready to change but their stand had brought their desires to the world stage and put pressure on the government. As I listened to this brave young man and saw the ways in which these young people were unwavering, I wondered if we individually and collectively could stand for what we believe.

In Colorado, the past few weeks students led the way for other students, teachers and parents to take to the streets with signs protesting a school board that wants to re-write history in a way they feel will be beneficial. Even with the protests and a myriad of people showing up at the public hearings to voice opposition, the board voted for their agenda anyway. When I heard this I felt that this is the way governments, in the past, began to take over and make decisions for the people and create fascist regimes. Instead of the students quitting they took to the streets again asking for a recall of the board members.

Why is it that the young people are the ones in the streets? Why aren’t we, the adults taking the lead and saying that the expansion of unjust doctrines, courts making decisions for corporations not people and corporations thinking they have the right to dictate what women choose to do with birth control are out of line? Why aren’t we voicing our discomfort in the consistent re-election of individuals who have proved to be out of integrity? Why aren’t we asking more questions and telling everyone we know to vote. Why aren’t we standing up and saying we want a government of the people and by the people?

I don’t consider myself to be a political person, but I am a citizen of this country. I want to see leaders work for their constituents and take a stand for the caring of our children, supportive wages and our environment. I want to be a part of an “Umbrella Revolution”, of sorts, where people understand that we have power and have a right to ask for what we want. We have a right to vote out anyone that does not work for the collective.

I say bravo young people around the world for showing us that we have a voice and we can use it for the good of all. I say it’s time to LEAP!

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