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We Are All Connected

by Emotional Healing

This has been such an incredible time.   So many of us are questioning what it means to be on the planet at this time.  Terrorism, shootings and political showdowns are everywhere in the news.  So much of the information does not support our remembering that we are all part of one human family.  In other words, we are connected.heart-947441_1920

Personally, I have had to do work to feel what I am feeling. The feelings of loss, upset, heartbreak and even anger can flood into my consciousness in a blink of an eye.  I know that feeling is way better than stuffing or running from these emotions.  I also know that even thought I always pray, sometimes it is not enough.  I have to remind myself to remember what I believe.  This is what is on my website.

  • I believe every person and organization has a unique destiny, vision and purpose.
  • I believe that opening to the vision creates a synergy that is powerful and dynamic.
  • I believe that each person and organization has a unique capacity to be of service to the community and world at large.
  • I believe that open-hearted communication builds bridges of understanding and expansion.
  • I believe that the power of creativity and compassion is healing and transformational.
  • I believe that powerful choices create powerful lives

When I tap into what I believe it is clear that I AM the only one responsible for my feelings, behaviors and reactions.  Yes, there are undesirable things happening today. Yes, we don’t all agree. Yes, some people are horribly unconscious.

AND…..there are many loving, kind, generous, caring, forgiving and humble human beings on this planet.  That is why we can have prayers, rituals and vigils all over the world when crisis hits. The question becomes where do we each choose to put our attention and energy.

Personally, I choose love and to place my attention on being the person I know I was meant to be.

Love and Light,

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