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What If Everybody Could Win?

by Aug 6, 2020Inspiration, Personal Growth

What If Everybody Could Win?

From the time I was a child I wondered about the concept of winning and losing.  I saw family and friends elated when they won, even a simple game.  The same people were devastated when they lost.  I would often ask “why can’t everybody win?”  The answers ranged from “don’t be silly” to “there has to be a winner!”  It made no sense to me. If the game was for fun….why couldn’t everyone have fun whether they won or lost?

Together we win

As I have matured, that same question about the concept of winning vs losing still lives within me.  When I worked in a corporate job the conversation was consistently about winning the client, beating the competitor and coming out on top.  The interesting thing is that stress filled the space.  Even when we “won” the contract people were stressed about keeping them.

I am really interested in looking at winning from a new perspective.  I want to move from the usual to unusual.

Usual Definition of winning:  gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition; to get by effort, as through labor, competition, or conquest: to succeed by striving or effort.

Definitions of winning – not usually taught: tending to please or delight; attractive; endearing; charming; engaging; pleasing (a winning smile, a winning presence, etc.)

When I was an actress, I remember walking into auditions, seeing a number of women that looked like me and experiencing angst. Instead of the thought being about doing my best, it became about “winning” the role.  Needless to say, the energy that I brought into the audition room was anxiety filled.  The more inner work I did the more I became sure that feeling like a “winner” was an inside job.  I had to carry the energy of harmony, grace, peace and joy into every situation and relationship.  I had to become totally present and accepting of myself.

Let’s explore living in a world where every single person feels enlivened, fully expressed and abundant.

Be Here Now

“The human mind is like that monkey, incessantly active by its own nature, then it becomes drunk with the wine of desire, thus increasing its turbulence. After desire takes possession comes the sting of the scorpion of jealousy at the success of others, and last of all the demon of pride enters the mind, making it think itself of all importance.”
― Ram Dass, Be Here Now

I don’t know about you, but for many years I found it challenging to be in the present moment. Would I succeed? How was I going to take care of myself?  How could I win with so much competition?  Those questions and a plethora of others were constant distractions.  I was reliving past experiences that hurt me or I was stressed about the future.  There was no room for me to enjoy the moment.

The present moment is all you have. In this moment, the past is over, and the future has not arrived. Therefore, you have the opportunity to create from the field of possibility.  There is no one against you because you, alone, occupy this space.  Nothing that has ever happened to you has any affect unless you allow it to enter and distract.  The important thing is what you choose.  The real question is…Can you bring your light, gifts, creativity and brilliance to this moment?

Can you decide to put all of your energy into creating expansion and freedom?  If so, no one else is in the equation.  The universe syncs up with energy.  So, your choice to be a winning, loving presence will attract the same.  People, situations and opportunities will match your frequency.  Why? Because they have been waiting for you.  You were a missing piece in their winning expression.  See how it works?  Everyone gets to win!

Five Present Moment Techniques

This will take practice, but once you get good at this you will see life anew.  There will be no competition.  You will begin to see and understand that the universe is supporting you.  The concepts of jealousy and competition will dissolve.  Unexpected gifts and invitations will appear.  People will begin to give thanks for your presence in their lives and you will  begin to feel a “lightness of being” unlike anything you have experienced before. Try this:

  1. Feel into your body. Stop and breathe in warm, loving energy to the parts that are constricted.
  2. Say to yourself “I am present.  I am here now.” (say it several times)
  3. Ask the universe, “what is the highest and best for me in this moment?” (listen and journal)
  4. Make a list of your most amazing qualities (i.e. smart, gifted, playful, creative, etc.)
  5. Make a choice to move forward only focusing on your awesome qualities

Open your heart to possibility

“Learn the techniques to open the Power of Your Heart, giving access to the infinite potential possibilities that truly exist for you.” Steven Redhead

In every single moment, there are possibilities too great to mention.  Everything starts with an idea, a feeling, a thought……then, creation begins. Your heart is intelligent and carries great energy. It absolutely informs the brain and carries a strong magnetic field.  The Heartmath Institute says this:

“Heart intelligence is the flow of awareness, understanding and intuition we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. It can be activated through self-initiated practice, and the more we pay attention when we sense the heart is speaking to us or guiding us, the greater our ability to access this intelligence and guidance more frequently. Heart intelligence underlies cellular organization and guides and evolves organisms toward increased order, awareness and coherence of their bodies’ systems.”

Lin-Manuel Miranda is an American composer, lyricist, actor, singer, rapper, producer, and playwright. Born in Puerto Rico, he had an idea to explore the life of Alexander Hamilton.  Hamilton, an immigrant, was born in obscurity in the West Indies and became one of America’s founding fathers. Miranda wanted to tell this story through a theatrical experience using rap and a form of popular music. That idea became the play “Hamilton” which has been acclaimed as a pop culture phenomenon since its Broadway premiere in 2015. The show earned the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album, and was nominated for a record 16 Tony Awards, of which it won 11,  Mr. Miranda was not concerned about whether his idea was good. He found a director that caught the vision and they were undaunted in moving forward. That vision attracted a fabulous ensemble that brought the characters to life in extraordinary ways. Lin-Manuel followed his heart and the rest is history.

Accessing A Field of Possibility 

This is a tool that can support your opening to significant opportunities. Pause, move away from distractions, take a few breaths and allow the breaths to connect with the heart.  Read this list to help you remember these truths:

  • The field of possibility is bigger than any problem – individual or collective.
  • The highest vibration always wins.
  • Limited thinking and perceptions can only cloud your expression.
  • Life is on your side always and in all ways.
  • Every success and every challenge is an opportunity.
  • The universe holds you no matter what is happening!!!!
  • Your life is divine, and you are here at this appointed time to bring your gifts and to transcend the human experience.
  • You are called to be awake. You are called to be a seeker of truth.

Winning is a constant state of enjoying life. It does not end, otherwise one was not truly winning to begin with.  I invite you to use these winning affirmations for you and every person on this planet.  Hold the vision for humanity.

I am a healer…We are all healers
I am a messenger of truth…we are all messengers of truth
I am a carrier of divine information…we are all carriers of divine information
I am emotionally strong…we are all emotionally strong
I am physically healthy…we are all physically healthy
I am an awakened soul…we are all awakened souls
I am a faith filled being of light…we are all faith filled beings of light

I am clear that the more people embracing “winning” for all… the more peace will blanket this world.

Much love and light,


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