by Personal Growth, Self Care, Transformation


What if everything is as it should be? That was a question on a card I received in a gift of empowered questions. When I pulled the card, I thought, well, that’s an interesting question. For some reason, I kept that card with me.

Everything Happens for the BetterI recently took a trip to Italy. I was very excited about it. I was going to be in a continuing education class working with energy and healing. What started happening on the trip fascinating. Things would feel easy then I’d hit a barrier. I would be delayed, and then had to find a way to recover my bag. Then, there was a challenge getting into a hotel, another flight delay, and my bag would not arrive. I found myself standing in long lines.

Every time, I said, “what if this is as it should be? What if this situation is as it should be and is working for my highest good?” Right after I would ask that question, an earth angel would appear. Someone would come in to be of assistance. When my flight was challenged, a wonderful woman spent a lot of time getting me on the perfect flight to get me to where I needed to go. Then, she also got me a great hotel voucher that would support me for the evening. Her name was Moses. A woman called Moses was the name of a movie where I got my first acting job. I shared that information with the woman and told her how grateful I was for her support. We both honored the synchronicity of the moment. She couldn’t help with my bag but gave me information.

So, I went to the baggage desk. A woman supporting looked at her computer and said,”Well, I don’t know. I don’t see your bag.” I said silently to myself, what if everything is as it should be? And then she said, “Well, let me just go in the back and look.” She moved away and when she returned, she was shaking her head. “It’s not there.” Then, she went back to the computer and smiled “Oh, isn’t this funny, they just scanned your bag. Let’s go pick it up.” So, she walks with me; we pick up the bag. This kind of up and down experience continued to happen for two days. I was acutely aware of my inner world. I was very calm. Something in me knew there was a powerful reason for these events. Somehow this was connected to the class I was going to attend.

Change your Questions

Change your Questions

When I got to Italy and went into the first class, an instructor said, “Are you aware that before a healing or a transformation happens, there’s always some kind of crisis or challenge?” We all looked at each other and I was like, “Wow, Isn’t that the truth?” Every time I’ve changed jobs in my life, transitioned or felt stuck, something has happened to create discomfort. There would be a challenge, chaos or crisis. There was always something to move me in a direction for my growth and expansion. As I reflected, the same is true of my clients. The pain precedes the healing.

Many of us move directly into resistance when we are faced with disruption. What if, instead of resisting those moments, we paused and asked the question…. “What if everything is as it should be?” “What’s the opportunity here for me?” “What do I need to know?” “What do I need to learn?” “What do I need to see?” “What do I need to experience to move to my next level of consciousness? My next level of experience? My next level of powerful living?”

You have within you everything that is needed to shift your consciousness and reality. The thing to remember is transformation is about conscious choice. You get to choose how you respond or react to any circumstance. Why not begin to train yourself to look at life from the perspective that the universe is working for you always.

Honor Yourself

I want to give you some tools on honoring and being present with the moment that you’re in. I invite you to try these on for size and see if you can create a shift in your awareness and life responses.

  1. The first thing is become aware of what you’re feeling. Not just mentally and emotionally, but in your body. Is your stomach tight? Is your chest or throat constricted? How are you feeling in your body? The body signals you before you become consciously aware of feelings.
  1. The next thing is, tap into the emotions that have arisen? What has come up for you? And what story are you making up about this? Is the story true or just based on an experience or a fear? Stories like:
    • I’m not seen.
    • I don’t belong.
    • I’m not heard.
    • I’m not cared for
    • This always happens to me
  1. The third thing to pause, breathe slowly and then choose differently. Ask yourself:
    • What if I’m taken care of?
    • What if in this moment, it’s an opportunity for me to look at life differently.
    • What if in this moment, I’m able to step forward with confidence beyond what I am seeing or experiencing in the physical world.
  1. The fourth thing is to act, even if you’re afraid. Fear comes from not knowing what’s next. So, what if you step into the unknown trusting the process? That is exactly what you need to do to move to the next level with ease and grace.
  1. The last thing is to honor this experience. Maybe the challenge saved you from a larger trauma or drama. Why not honor the people that have or are supporting you, the gifts that have come, the invitations that been issued. What a great time to honor the experience and what you are learning. What if the universe really was truly conspiring for you? What if you’re having this experience because this is a divine appointment? And what if there was something saying this moment of chaos you’re having right now is getting you ready for something else? A more powerful life, a deeper loving relationship, more financial abundance. What if everything is as if should be?

I am not clear about how everything is supposed to work. What I do know is that whenever I have moved into a place of acceptance of what is….my life has changed for the better.

Everything that has happened in your life has brought you to this moment. What if your prayers are being answered through every situation? What if you could trust your journey?

I will stand with you as you begin to allow this life adventure to guide you to your greatness.

Much love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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