A Roadmap for Lasting Healing to Transform Your Life…
Sometimes we get hurt in life and that hurt is buried so deeply, in some dark private place, we don’t even know it is the cause of other harmful things manifesting in our lives. If it is there, this book will help you bring it to the surface in a safe and healing way. Cynthia’s methods of healing will help you erase the impact that it has had on you and free you from this invisible jailer.
When you read Cynthia James’ story (and stories contributed by some she’s already freed from these bonds), you may see something familiar. You may see something that has held you back. Meditations and processes Cynthia teaches on the pages of this book (and its accompanying CD) will gently pull it to the surface, so that the pain can be released and you can put it behind you!
Cynthia James is an accomplished counselor and teacher. She has assisted thousands of people, just like you, to move through their fears, doubts and painful experiences to reclaim the wonderful masterpiece that is their life!
You will discover the tools which will release you from your emotional bondage. This is What Will Set You Free!
This is your roadmap to fulfilling your purpose!
- Includes a 144 page book and bonus meditation CD!
- View OVER 20 PAGES of this valuable Recovery & Healing book online now!
- Read testimonials about What Will Set You Free and Cynthia James!
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ISBN 10: 0-9820838-7-4
ISBN 13: 9780977476183
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Practitioners who would like to use What Will Set You Free in workshops they facilitate, please contact Cynthia James directly for more support and information.